An Analysis of the Theme of Freedom in the Poetry of Qassem Haddad and Ahmad Shamlou
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
reza kuchari
ardeshir sadredini
mostafa yegani
1 - PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Mahabad Unit, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran,
Keywords: Freedom, Qassem Haddad, Ahmad Shamloo, Human Rights, Oppression,
Abstract :
Abstract Freedom poetry is a branch of poetry where the poet expresses their ideas, feelings, and thoughts without traditional, social, or political constraints, liberating themselves from linguistic and structural limitations. In this type of poetry, poets often explore new ideas, personal experiences, and different perspectives on societies and social issues. Freedom poetry, characterized by innovation, creativity, and poetic language, can profoundly impact its audience and serves as a tool for critiquing powers and institutions, as well as articulating individual and social ideals. Among Arab and Persian speakers, prominent poets have written extensively on freedom poetry, including Qasim Haddad from Bahrain and Ahmad Shamlou from Iran. The works of these two poets are rich with concepts of freedom and are regarded as valuable legacies in contemporary freedom poetry. This study, using a descriptive-analytical method and based on the American school of comparative literature, examines the themes of freedom in the works of these two poets, identifying their similarities and differences to elucidate the factors leading to the emergence of freedom themes in their poetry. The research findings indicate that social, political, and historical factors are among the most significant motivations for both poets in expressing themes of freedom. The most common themes of freedom in their poetry include confronting oppression and injustice, human rights, expressing thoughts and ideas, rejecting chains and limitations, and the experience of imprisonment and life under constraints.
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