The effect of mindfulness and emotional intelligence of elementary sports teachers on the quality of teacher-student relationships
Subject Areas : Sport psychology
Nasser Bay
Neda Tavakkoli
1 - 2. Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran.
2 - MA Student of Educational Sciences, Department of Educational Sciences, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Teacher-Student Relations, Golestan. ,
Abstract :
Objective: This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of mindfulness and emotional intelligence of elementary school teachers on the quality of teacher-student relationships.
Methods: This study is applied and its implementation was realized using the survey research method. In this regard, by distributing the questionnaire among the research sample and analyzing the obtained data, the hypotheses were tested. All male and female elementary sports teachers of Golestan province formed the statistical population of this study. The total number of these teachers is 321, of which 173 are male and the remaining 148 are female. Using Cochran's sample size formula, the number of samples needed for this research was estimated to be 176 physical education teachers. A random cluster sampling method was used to select the sample. The tools for measuring the variables in this research included three standard questionnaires of mindfulness (Pratscher et al., 2022), emotional intelligence (Larner et al., 2018) and the quality of relationships between sports teachers (Pianta et al., 2012), all three questionnaires based on the scale 5 Likert values were developed. The analysis of the obtained data was done descriptively and inferentially by SPSS and Smart PLS statistical programs. Sobel's test was used to investigate the mediating role of emotional intelligence variable.
Results: The results of the inferential part showed that the mindfulness of elementary sports teachers has a positive and significant effect on the quality of teacher-student relationships. Also, the results showed that the effect of emotional intelligence of elementary sports teachers on the quality of teacher-student relationships is positive and significant. Finally, the positive and significant effect of mindfulness with the mediating role of emotional intelligence of elementary sports teachers on the quality of teacher-student relationships was confirmed.
Conclusions: Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the mindfulness and emotional intelligence of elementary sports teachers can increase the quality of their relationships with students. It is suggested that school administrators organize workshops and training sessions on mindfulness for physical education teachers so that they learn about the benefits of mindfulness and how to incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily routines.
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