Evaluating the Effects of Physical Elements in Historical Schools on Light Quality (Case Study: Isfahan City)
Subject Areas : Life Space Journal
Kimia Sadat Tabibzadeh
هادی کشمیری
Zahra Zamanpour
1 - Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - دانشیاردانشگاه ازاد اسلامی واحد شیراز
3 - Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz,
Keywords: Light in Architecture, Architecture of Historical Schools, Nimavard School, Imamiyeh School, Sadr Bazar School.,
Abstract :
Schools after the mosque have been one of the important educational centers in different historical periods of Iran. The use of natural daylight for the maximum use of light plays an important role in the quality of the educational space. Therefore, the present research tries to examine three schools from three historical periods: Ilkhani, Safaviyeh and Qajar in Isfahan city, to find out what role the physical changes during different historical periods played in the illumination of these places. In order to analyze and measure the lighting of these schools, the simulation method has been used. First, the plans were modeled in 3D in 3dsMax and Revit software, and then simulated in Ecotect software. The results of this study show that the Imamiyeh school during the Ilkhani period is lit from both sides due to the design of the corridor space behind the cells and the use of useful light from the courtyard in the Ivanche section, and its average useful light is of higher quality than the other two schools. In the evaluation of Ilkhani era Imamiya school, it can be said that the intelligent design of the plan played an important role in the quality of daylighting of the spaces, especially on the second floor. This technique and solution has been considered in this school despite the fact that there is a corridor without a roof behind the cells, which is actually the only way to enter the cells. In the Safavid period, on the second floor of the school, the cells were formed around the courtyard in the same order; with the difference that they are roofed and horno has been used to light these corridors. This change has reduced the quality of daylight and has a lower lighting quality compared to the Ilkhani period.
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