Analysis, ranking and presentation of the identifying components of managers of Tehran's nongovernmental schools (Mixed method)
Subject Areas : Educationمیترا Noradsedigh 1 , عبدالرحیم Navehebrahim 2 , H.R Arasteh 3 , H.R Zeinabadi 4
1 - Teacher Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor Khwarizmi Tehran, Iran
3 - President Khwarizmi University School of Management Tehran, Iran
4 - Faculty member, Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University
Keywords: Competence, Talent, Talent Management, the founder, Director of private schools,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to study the concepts of talent and competency in order to identify and rank the talent syndrome, as well as designing a pattern for identifying managers susceptible to schools. The present study was conducted in a mixed way based on field analysis using interviews and questionnaires. In this regard, the purposeful sampling and snowball fan efficiency and the use of theoretical saturation criterion were used in interviews. Semi-structured interviews were held with the 14 founders of the well-known nongovernmental schools in Tehran. The reliability of the interview was obtained from the agreement between the two coders (evaluator), with the participation of two faculty members of Kharazmi University, which was 87.3%. To analyze the interview texts, the makqd software and open source coding software were used to formulate and categorize identifiers for the managers. The population of the small group, all founders and directors of Tehran's secondary non-governmental schools in the academic year of 2016-2017 (510 members), was selected by the cluster sampling method with the help of the Cochran formula. A total of 218 managers or founders were selected. The implementation of a quantitative section with a researcher-made questionnaire based on the results of the qualitative section showed that the validity and reliability of the research tools were optimally achieved. The results of the questionnaire were tested using quantitative statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and validation and structural equation modeling. The results of the research show that of the 13 components of identifying managers of nongovernmental schools, "capacity building skills", "moral characteristics", "passion", "individual skills and interpersonal skills" are important in the first rank, as well as the dimensions and The components of the identification model of the talented managers, the competency with a coefficient of 0.93 and passion with a coefficient of 0.16, are contributing to the explanation of the variance of the identification structure.
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