Identifying and Validating the Components of Teachers' Talent Management Model
Subject Areas : EducationZiba Zamanifard 1 , mehry daraei 2 , saeed farahbakhsh 3
1 - Teacher/22bahmab middle school
2 - Assistant Professor Khorram Abad Azad University
3 - Associate Professor of Lorestan University
Keywords: Model, Delphi Technique, Talent Management, Teachers of Lorestan Province,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to identify and validate the components of teachers' talent management model in the academic year 1396-97. The research is purposeful, applied, and descriptive-survey in nature. The statistical population in the qualitative phase consisted of a number of subject-matter experts who were selected through purposeful sampling for semi-structured interviews. The research tool at this stage was a 104-item questionnaire designed based on a seven-point Likert scale (based on indicators derived from literature and background and the context of the interviews). At the end of each round, the data were analyzed using Kendall's mean rank index and coefficient of agreement. In the third round, the value obtained for Kendall's statistic (0.507) indicated acceptable consensus among respondents. The results of data analysis at the end of qualitative phase showed that the components of teachers' talent management model include growth, development, identification, selection, acquisition, strategic planning and maintenance. Of the 7644 teachers employed in Lorestan province (statistical population), 367 were selected using Cochran formula and selected through multi-stage cluster sampling. The research tool included a questionnaire based on 6 The component was identified and the indices were related to each component. Quantitative section data (model fit) using structural equation modeling And partial least squares were analyzed. The results showed that based on the average composite reliability index (CR = 0.93) and mean Cronbach's alpha coefficients (0.91) that were higher than 0.70 and considering the average value of variance extracted (AVE = 0.67) Bigger than 0.5, the model has convergent reliability and since (AVE <CR), convergent validity is also established. Since the mean coefficient of determination coefficient (R2 = 1) is higher than 0.67 and also based on Q2 index which is 0.67 higher than 0.35, it is deduced that the structural model of 3. The overall fit of the model; based on the goodness-of-fit (GOF) criterion, the calculated value for this index was 0.82, which is greater than 0.35, so it is deduced The overall model is highly fitted.
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