Explaining the Pattern of Customer Engagement with Brands in the Context of Social Networks based on Cultural Differences (with a Qualitative Approach)
Subject Areas : Business Management
Hamed Saghafian
Samad Aali
Morteza Mahmodzade
1 - PhD student, Department of Business Administration, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Associate Prof., Business Administration, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
3 - Assistant Prof., Business Administration, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Customer Engagement, Brands, Social Media, Culture. ,
Abstract :
The main objective of this research is to explain the pattern of customer engagement with brands in the context of social networks based on cultural differences with a qualitative approach. The present study is a qualitative study and the strategy used in this research in the qualitative part was based on interviews and content analysis. The statistical population included experts from the scientific community academic specialists and experts from the top 500 Iranian companies based on the Industrial Management Organization ranking, which were selected purposefully and the number of experts in the qualitative part was 10. The results of the content analysis showed that this research includes 14 dimensions and 30 components, including designing a cultural program to survive in global markets (designing a cultural program to enter global markets, using a marketing mix to sell based on brand position), designing strategic behavioral programs to maintain market position, promoting competitive advantage for company profitability (improving the profitability process, promoting competitive advantage), marketing strategy tailored to cultural differences, competitive strategy to retain customers tailored to cultural differences, strategy for developing diverse products tailored to cultural differences, using behavioral tools of individuals to maintain brand position with customers, market attractiveness based on the company's brand structure tailored to the culture of the society, marketing mix tools, creating marketing motivation to start a business, marketing environment platforms, utilizing information about the culture of the society in the field of brand for strength and competitiveness in international arenas, improving optimal brand market performance, understanding the market tailored to the needs and culture of customers.
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