The lived experience of primary education teachers in the first grade on the caring approach
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningZahra Ansari 1 , parvin ahmadi 2 , parvin Samadi 3
1 - PhD student in Curriculum Development, AL Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Curriculum Development, Faculty of Education and Psychology, AL Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Curriculum Development, Faculty of Education and Psychology, AL Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Caring Approach, Teachers' lived Experiences, Primary school ,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study was to understand the lived experience of primary education teachers in the first grade on the caring approach. This qualitative research was conducted using the phenomenological method. The sampling method was purposive (criterion-based). Data were collected by interviewing 18 elementary school teachers working in public schools in Karaj city who were willing to participate in the research and attended sessions where the basics of caring were explained by the researcher. The research was conducted in the academic year 1401-1402.. The data collection tool was semi-structured interviews. Data were collected by interviewing 18 teachers who had implemented the caring approach in the classroom. The data analysis method was conducted using thematic analysis. To ensure the validity of the research, Lincoln and Guba criteria were used. The analysis of the interviews revealed 1 comprehensive theme, 5 organizing themes, and 23 basic themes. The results of the study indicated that the effective items in the caring approach in the classroom include fostering students' responsibility, fostering a sense of respect for differences, fostering students' character, deep attention and a sense of accountability for others, concern for strangers, altruism, increasing the sense of belonging to others, the use of indirect teaching, the use of student-centered teaching, the use of dynamic and flexible teaching, providing an empathetic atmosphere in the school, the existence of intra-school communications, positive communication with each other, protecting relationships with others, paying attention to the emotions caused by the classroom environment, paying attention to the emotions caused by the school environment, emotionalism and compassion, empathy, sympathy, increasing emotional competence in students, a compassionate view of others, attention to collective and individual emotions, and compassion for oneself.
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