Examining the model of storytelling curriculum based on integrated approach
Subject Areas :Asghar karami 1 , Morteza Samiee Zafarghandi 2 , Maryam Safarnavadeh 3
1 - Phd student of Curriculum Planning Department, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 -
3 - Associate Professor,Educational Deputy of Ministry of Health and Medical Education,Tehran,Iran
Keywords: Storytelling, curriculum, integrated approach, Delphi method.,
Abstract :
Purpose: The curriculum of any educational system plays an important role in the progress of its goals. Therefore, the main goal of the current research is to examine the model of the storytelling curriculum based on the integrated approach.
Methods: The present research method is a mixed method. In this way, the questionnaire made by the researcher (based on the opinions of teachers and curriculum planners) was given to 18 curriculum specialists to use the Delphi method to determine the questions of the final questionnaire and the components and model of the storytelling curriculum. to be identified based on the integrated approach of the students of the first year of elementary school. Then, using a quantitative method, the questionnaire data was analyzed from 180 teachers and lesson planning experts in Kerman, who were selected by cluster sampling method, using structural equation method.
Findings: The results of the Delphi phase showed that the story-telling curriculum model based on the integrated approach of first-year elementary students is in accordance with Hawkins' seven-stage model of conceptual construction, recognition, content, learning experiences, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance. It is a program.
Conclusion: The analysis of structural equations also confirmed the fit of the model and showed that the components are not independent of each other and influence each other.
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