Mindfulness Therapy with a Learning Approach
Subject Areas : Psychology
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Faculty of Law, Kerman branch, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Mindfulness, Therapeutic Approach, Learning, Thoughts and Feelings,
Abstract :
Introduction: In today's world, increasing the amount of learning and its related variables is one of the important issues of educational institutions. In their theory titled Interactive Cognitive Systems (ICS) in 1990, Bernard and Tazedale introduced the mind as having multiple facets that are responsible for receiving and processing new information cognitively and emotionally. This theory correlates a person's vulnerability to depression with how much a person relies on one facet of the mind and inadvertently shuts down the other.
Conclusion: Mindfulness is a method of paying attention that originated in Eastern meditation and has been described as paying full attention to present moment experiences (Marlatt & Kristler, 1999). Mindfulness is not just a good idea; it is a way of learning to be good in life; by inviting people to the present moment, this method creates more presence and less judgment in people. Although mindfulness is talked about as a new science, the real age of this method goes back thousands of years; so much so that it has been referred to as the “heart of Buddhist meditation”, yet the essence of this method, which means being in the moment and in a conscious way, is considered a universal teaching and teaching (Kabat-Zinn, 2010).
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