The Impact of Intellectual capital on the financial information quality for listed firms in Tehran Stock Exchange
Subject Areas : Financial Knowledge of Securities Analysis
زهرا دیانتی دیلمی
مریم رمضانی
1 - مسئول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Human Capital, Structural Capital, Physical Capital, quality of financial informati,
Abstract :
Financial reporting is the basis for economic decisions that affect the interests of theorganization and the owners; however, there is a lack of research regarding the factorsaffecting the quality of financial information. Due to the importance of information, thisstudy investigates the impact of intellectual capital on the financial information quality.Because in today's knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital accepted as majorfactor of generating sustainable competitive advantage and superior financialperformance.Data of intellectual capital and quality of financial information (QFI) was gathered for94 firms in the Tehran stock exchange, over ten year period of 1380 to 1390. Structuralequation modeling, PLS (Partial least square), was used to test the relationshipshypothesized.The result show that intellectual capital has significant effect on QFI and intellectualcapital's components could explain 50% changes on QFI. Among of these components,structural capital efficiency has more effect on QFI. Human capital and physical capitalclassified in later degree. Furthermore organizations should pay more attention tointellectual capital that one of the powerful resource to improve their businessperformance, because prepare qualified financial reports lead to better decision made byusers.
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