Influence and effectiveness of institutional factors on the internationalization of technology companies (case study of the pharmaceutical industry)
Subject Areas : -Health economy
hossein bahrami
mohammad azizi
ali badizadeh
hadi rezghih
1 - PhD Student, Department of Entrepreneurship, Ghazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Ghazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghazvin, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Education Management, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch University, Garmsar, Iran
Keywords: Internationalization, Influence and effectiveness, Institutional Factors, Pharmaceutical industry, Technology companies,
Abstract :
Introduction: Today, the pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest industries in the world and is closely related to other industries. This industry has created employment opportunities for many pharmaceutical professionals, technical technicians, marketing, advertising and sales experts. There are several factors affecting the industry facing exports worldwide, some of which are related to their products and others to their sales market. Methods: In this study, the effectiveness and influential of each of the institutional factors affecting the internationalization of Iranian pharmaceutical technology companies, including 37 indicators derived from in-depth semi-structured interviews with pharmaceutical industry experts, was determined using the DEMATEL technique. Results: Based on the research results, influential and effective factors in the internationalization of pharmaceutical technology companies were classified into 7 levels. Indicators that are completely dependent and effective are at level 1, and at level 2, there are indicators that are less effective than the first level and more effective than level 3 and similarly, the most influential indicators were at level 7. Conclusion: Indicators of Consistency in government policies and long-term plans for drug exports, Observance of quality and international standards in drug production, and Adherence to the health regulations of the target countries, which are the most influential indicators on internationalization of pharmaceutical technology companies, were at the highest level.
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_||_1- Antonic B, Hisrich R.D .Clarifying the intrapreneurship concept, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 2006. 10(1): 7-24
2- Holding; a drug for the pharmaceutical industry, to enter the global market must pass the level of small and medium enterprises, Journal of Economic Trend 2007. 35 [In Persian].
3- Farhang M. Internet and Export Marketing of SMEs: Experiences of Website Use and Perceptions among Swedish Firms, Research Report, Lulea University of Technology 2001:40
4- Etemad H. Globalization and the small and medium-sized enterprises: search for potent strategies, Global Outlook (formerly Business and Contemporary World) 1999. 11( 3): 85-104
5- Wiedersheim-Paul F, Johanson J. The internationalization of the firm—four swedish cases 1, International Business 2017: 127-144
6- Arregle J, Duran P, Hitt M. A, Van Essen M. Why is family firms’ internationalization unique? A meta-analysis, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 2017. 41(5): 801-831
7- Kirzner, I. M. How market work: disequilibrium, entrepreneurship and discovery, 1997. The Institute of Economic Affairs
8- Bagheri M, Mitchelmore S, Bamiatzi V, Nikolopoulos K. Internationalization Orientation in SMEs: The Mediating Role of Technological 2018.
9- Musteen M, Datta D. Learning about foreign markets: A study of Czech SMEs, Journal of International Entrepreneurship 2011. 9(2): 91-109
10- Louter, P, Cok, O, Ben A.B. An Inquiry into Successful Exporting, European Journal of Marketing 1991. 25(6):7- 23.
11- Wang, G, Olsen, J. E. Knowledge, Performance, and Exporter Satisfaction, Journal of Global Marketing 2002. 15(3-4): 39-64
12- Johanson J, Vahlne J. E. The Uppsala internationalization process model revisited: From liability of foreignness to liability of outsidership, Journal of International Business Studies 2009. 40(9): 1411-1431
13- Oviat, B, McDougall P.P. Toward a theory of international new ventures, Journal of International Business Studies 1994. 25(1): 45-64
14- Moen Q, Gavlen M, Endresen I. Internationalization of small, computer software firms Entry forms and market selection, European Journal of Marketing 2004. 38(9/10): 1236-1251
15- Porter M. E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analysing industries and competitors, New York, NY, The Free Press 1980.
16- Barney B. Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage, Journal of Management 1991. 17: 99-120
17- Peng M. W, Li Sun S, Pinkham B, Chen H. The Institution-Based View as a Third Leg for a Strategy Tripod, Academy of Management Perspectives 2009. 23(3): 63-81
18- Arasti Z, Maleki Karamabad M, Motevaseli M. Institutional Factors Affecting the Emergence of Social Entrepreneurial Activities, Journal of Entrepreneurship Development 2012. 5(2): 185 [In Persian].
19- North, D.C. Understanding the Process of Economic Change, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 2005.
20- Kottarid,C, Giakoulas D, Manolopoulos D. Escapism FDI from developed economies: The role of regulatory context and corporate taxation, International Business Review 2019. 28 (2019): 36–47
21- Yan Z. J, Zh, J. C, Fan D, Kalfadellis P. An institutional work view toward the internationalization of emerging market firms, Journal of World Business 2018. 53: 682–694
22- Fornes G, Cardoza G. Internationalization of Chinese SMEs: The Perception of Disadvantages of Foreignness, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2018: 1–20
23- Gaur A. S, Lu J. W. Ownership strategies and survival of foreign subsidiaries: Impacts of institutional distance and experience, Journal of Management 2014. 33: 84–110
24- Moradi MA, Sakhdari K, Saniei Sh. The effect of institutional factors on the rate of international entrepreneurship in developing countries, Journal of Entrepreneurship Development 2017. 10(2): 358 [In Persian].
25- Mazarei S.h, Sadabadi A, mohseni kiasari M, norouzi Kh. Investigating the Role of Innovation Mediators and Their Functions in the Field of Pharmacy, Fifth International Conference and Ninth National Conference on Technology Management, Tehran, Iran Technology Management Association 2015 [In Persian].
26- Bahrami H, Azizi M, Badizadeh A, Rezghi Shirsavar H. Institutional Factors Affecting the Internationalization of Pharmaceutical Technology Companies, Journal of Health Management 2019. 10(1) [In Persian].