Structural Equation Model in relation to Organizational Culture, Flexibility of Working Hours and Staff Loyalty with Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
maryam hafezian
javad golpasand
1 - Islamic Azad University-Bojnourd branch
2 - Islamic Azad University-Bojnourd branch
Keywords: Flexibility of working hours, organizational culture, Staff loyalty, organizational commitment,
Abstract :
Introduction and Objective: This study was aimed at investigating the structural equation model in relation to organizational culture, flexibility of working hours and staff loyalty with the mediating role of organizational commitment in the labor and social affairs organization of North Khorasan Province. Method: The descriptive-correlational research method was used in this study. The statistical population of the study consisted of total 260 employees where 155 subjects was selected with stratified random sampling as the sample size. Data collection tools were Dennisson's Organizational Culture Questionnaire (2000), flexibility of working hours questionnaire designed by Seyyed Naghavi et al. (2012) and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire by Allen & Meyer (1990) and Staff Loyalty Assessment Questionnaire (Hosseini, 2007). After confirming the validity, the reliability of the questionnaires was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.931, 0.937, 0907 and 0.881, respectively. Factor analysis was performed for statistical analysis by SPSS software version 19 and structural model method using LISREL software version 8. Findings: The results showed that the path coefficient between organizational culture and staff loyalty was 0.73, the coefficient of flexibility of working hours and organizational commitment was 0.66 and the path coefficient between organizational commitment and staff loyalty was 0.56. Therefore, there is a relationship between organizational culture and the flexibility of working hours on staff loyalty with the mediating role of organizational commitment. Conclusion: Findings show that by strengthening the organizational culture and flexibility of working hours among employees of the labor and social affairs organization of North Khorasan province, the loyalty of employees to the organization increased, among which organizational commitment had a key role. Findings: Findings showed that the amount of path coefficient between organizational culture and employee loyalty was 0.73, The coefficient of flexibility coefficient of working hours and organizational commitment is 0.66 And the amount of path coefficient between organizational commitment and employee loyalty was 0.56. Therefore, there is a relationship between organizational culture and the flexibility of working hours on employee loyalty with the mediating role of organizational commitment.