Biomechanical and histopathological evaluation of two surgical methods, nerve anastomosis and tendon transfer with each other in function of rabbits limbs
Subject Areas : Journal of Comparative Pathobiology
غلامرضا عابدی
احمد اصغری
رحیم علیزاده
سعید حصارکی
سپهر خاشعی
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
4 - ندارد
5 - ندارد
Keywords: Tendon Transfer, Nerve Anastomosis, Rabbit,
Abstract :
Tendon transfer is to change the natural location to a new location for attachment of a tendon ofa muscle's activity. This study was conducted to biomechanical and histopathological evaluatethe function of rabbits drop foot which were operated for nerve anastomosis and tendon transferwith each other. Twenty white New Zealand male and healthy rabbits were chosen and dividedin to 4 groups. First group (Witness): were operated and only cut the sciatic nerve. Secondgroup: were operated and cut the sciatic nerve, then anastomosed. Third group: were operatedand cut the sciatic nerve, then tendon transfer were done whit out any Anastomosis. Fourthgroup: were operated and cut the sciatic nerve and then anastomosed. Then tendon transferswere done. Biomechanical evaluation in day 45 after surgery on bone samples. In biomechanicalassessment, about stiffness factor, those groups which operated by tendon transfer method, weneed less power. About fracture, in those groups which operated by tendon transfer method,more force in necessary to break. In those groups which operated by tendon transfer method, therate of calcium is much more than matrix because their feet can tolerate their weight incomparison, in those groups which operated without tendon transfer; the rate of calcium is lessthan matrix because of osteodystrophy. In pathological assessment, zenker necrosis and atrophyin both groups were detected but the acutness in witness group is more obviously. It could beclaimed that utilizing two surgical methods; nerve anastomosis and tendon transfer with eachother had more effect on function of paralyzed limbs.