The Main Elements of Intuitional Thinking according to Heidegger and Rumi
Subject Areas : Christianity
yousef Seifzad Abkenar
Bahman Pazouki
1 - Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Western Philosophy, Research Institute of Iranian Wisdom and Philosophy, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Heidegger, Rumi, Thinking, Representational thinking, Meditative thinking, logos, metaphysics,
Abstract :
For Heidegger, thinking cannot be limited to metaphysics, science and technology, subjectivism, representation, and logic. Rather, meditative thinking has requirements, the most important of which are questioning and getting on the path of thought. In his view, thinking (denken) and thanks giving (thank / danken) are cognate and are associated with logos or speech. However, the main feature of thinking is that it seeks an existence that invites it to think. According to Rumi, true knowledge cannot be achieved through theoretical or acquired knowledge. Rather, thinking is below mystical or by-presence perception and implies memory, intuition, taste and love. According to him, the main requirement of thinking is behavior, in the highest level of which, a perfect human being will attain certainty and knowledge by connecting with the truth. Thus, in spite of their obvious differences in terms of intellectual origin and principles of thought, but also common elements can be seen in their thought. As Heidegger and Rumi believe, the ratio belief and rationalism alone cannot lead to thinking. Rather, it is a meditative or spiritual thought that will occur through intuition and Openness.