Semantic Field of Jihad and Associated Terms by Emphasizing Descending Process
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Ali Saeedi
Amir Ahmad Nejad
1 - PhD student in Quran and Hadith, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Quran and Hadith, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: قرآن, صبر, تطور, Quran, evolution, patience, properties, مشقت, هاجروا, أنفس, أموال, immigrate, lives,
Abstract :
Semantics studies meanings. "Meaning" is knowledge of cultural structure and the relationship of a term with others in a text. The mediums between the message sender and the receiver in semantics are the terms which either the receiver is familiar with or the cultural field. The present paper analyzes meaning of "Jihad" based on syntagmatic relationships emphasizing Quran's Descending period. Applying descending order and semantic evolution own numerous achievements. Drawing evolution curves for Jihad and their frequencies in different years are other applications of terms' historical arena. "Jihad" means tolerating difficulties and hardship which the peak is seen in donating properties and lives for Divine goals specifically in Madinah. "Faith", "lives", "properties" and "immigrate" are some of Jihad's syntagmatic terms in which their combination makes a meaningful and eloquent phenomenon.
قرآن کریم.
کتب عربی
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کتب فارسی
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