A literary comparative study of the jurisprudential documents of the ruling of cursing the Prophet based on the opinions of the two teams
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
hamid reza dezhan
esmaeil eslami
mohammad fatehi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch,
2 - Assistant Professor Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Law and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch
Keywords: Sab- ul-Nabi, criminal law, penal jurisprudence,
Abstract :
Sab-ul-Nabi is one of the topics of Islamic penal jurisprudence, which is very important and many verses and traditions refer to it. Since in Islamic penal jurisprudence, a special punishment is provided for this title. Therefore, it can be used as an argument for the opponents of this ruling. So, what is the plan of this topic, Sab-ul-Nabi? And who is Subal-Nabi? And what is its condition is of special importance. All Islamic schools of thought and all jurists of Fariqin have considered Sab-ul-Nabi as one of the crimes punishable by death. With this difference, there is no independent chapter under the title Sab-ul-Nabi in the jurisprudence books of Ahl al-Sunnah, so they examine this issue under the topic of apostasy. Therefore, in this article, the reaction of Iran's jurisprudential-legal system will be studied with analytical, descriptive and library methods. Key words: penal jurisprudence, criminal law, Sab- ul-Nabi, Sunnah jurisprudence.
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