Review and Analysis of the Novel “the Survivor” by Ghassan Kanfani
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSaeedeh Mir Hagh Jolangeroodi 1 , Fatemeh Alinejad Chomazkati 2
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Keywords: فلسطین, غسان کنفانی, ماتبقی لکم, القضایا الإنسانیة, GhassanKanfani, the survivor, Palestine, humane events,
Abstract :
GhassanKanfani, writer, critic freedom fighter and Palestinian martyr, has written many novels regarding the realities of society (disasters caused by the Palestinian adversity in 1948). Ghassan presents precise and realistic descriptions of human being and existence in these novels. The novel “The Survivor” is a representation of the events of Palestine which could only be understood through inquiring into its themes. In this novel the author attempts to depict the events and problems of the Palestinian society as if he is talking on behalf of middle class of the society who is suffering oppression, corruption, poverty and deprivation. His charactersclearly describe the situation of events in Palestine. Ghassan tries to express the liberal thoughts and the main objective of returning to the holy land of Palestine through allegory and allusion.
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