Tendency to Superstition and Anti-superstition in Iran’s Political Ideology (with Emphasis on the Qajar Dynasty)
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
Fariba Masoudi
Mahmoud Ketabi
Ali Akbar Amini
1 - PhD. Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch, Shahreza, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch, Shahreza, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Political Ideology, Qajar Dynasty, Monajjem Bashi, Lumpenproletariate, tendency to superstition, Anti-superstition,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is to review the effects of “superstition” on the political underdevelopment in the Qajar dynasty. In this regard, the relationship between the superstitious culture and underdevelopment in the Qajar dynasty and the effects of superstition on the non-participative political culture back then were studied. The method of study was causal-qualitative based on the historical and sociological approach; and the results showed that the superstitious culture of the Qajar dynasty with its non-scientific, irrational, and non-religious approach led the Iranian society to decadence or at least political underdevelopment. Indeed, the tendency to superstition and people’s belief to such false ideas during that age led to irrationality, dominance of mythological mentality, political dictatorship, and finally political underdevelopment.
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