The relationship between Justice, Spirituality, and Rationality in the Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress and Their Achievements
Subject Areas :
Iranian Political Research
Seyed Kazem Seyed Bagheri
Mahmood Mokhtarband
1 - Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran
2 - PhD in Economics, Imam Khomeini Educational Institute, Qom, Iran.
Received: 2020-02-02
Accepted : 2020-09-14
Published : 2020-09-22
Hayat-e Tayyebeh (Holy Life),
Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress,
Social Justice,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is to find the relationship between justice, spirituality, and rationality, as well as their achievements in the Islamic-Iranian model of progress. The method of study is descriptive analysis and emphasizes the hypothesis that effective interrelationship between justice and spirituality, in the individual realm, transmits personal achievements to political-social realms paving the way for reaching the model of progress and then holy life. All the above procedures are accomplished through rationality, rational programming, and adherence to the legal rules of religion (Shariat). The presence of these elements in the model conveys a distinctive and multidimensional progress for improvement in Islamic society. Paying attention to the abovementioned aspects facilitates the citizens’ access to their rights, freedom, equal opportunity, economic progress, welfare, human dignity, social security and decency in the society.
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