Examining the discourse in independent images of Kermani's poetry
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
zohreh saremi
Mahdi Mohaghegh
1 - PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: independent image, KhajooyeKermani, Iranian society, Iranian culture, Discourse,
Abstract :
There are many works on the subject of image and its analysis, which are often studied based on the science of expression and novelty and under the title of imaginary forms.Images and fantasies are twins reflecting the reason and essence of poetic words and reveal the artist's mentality inside and outside the world. Imagination is the speaker's mental effort to create a novel link between his conscious and unconscious. In other words, the images are the result of the interactions of the artist's imaginative workshop, which change the nature and form of objects that are neither completely human nor natural. "Independent image" is one of the types of images whose constituent elements include the exclusive nature and self-reliance of the poet's thought and can exist outside the space of poetry.Considering the process of formation of the concept of image, the role of imagination, while preserving the theoretical nature of the image, in KhajaviKermani's poems, we have discovered and represented various dimensions resulting from recognizing the multi-layered structure and different types of images in his lyric poems, achieving poetic image from different angles of aesthetics, literature, society, etc. The purpose of this study is to analyze and interpret independent images in KhajaviKermani's lyric poems to guide the reader to the discourse network of his poems. Categorization of obtained discourses by titles; Ontological, romantic, governmental political, and religious discourses, and discourses in the field of patriotism, etc., are divisible.The results obtained from the analysis of the discourse of independent images of Khajoo,s Ghazal illuminate details of the culture and society and the life, thought and vision of the poet. The poet's attitude to love as the main axis of human life, the discourse of disgrace and name and of course the discourse of the homeland are allusions to them. This research has been studied by descriptive-analytical method using library resources.
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