The Call of asking justice in Nizami٫s Khosrow and Shirin
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
Masoud Pakdel
Mehdi Mahoozi
1 - Ph.D student, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch
Abstract :
Nizami not only had understood his poem's story, but had commixed his feelings, imaginations, and his thoughts with it, and it causes such an obvioussincerity andauthenticity in his poem. It seems like he had experienced all the events and Ups and Downs of their lives and then wrote them down. In this poem, which is a romantic story in a royal atmosphere or in other words is a Royal love, each action has a proper reaction and each character has got his rights. The story's heroes –Khosro and Shirin- who should be a good couple (perfect couple), have same characteristics. In this research, The similar characteristics of the main characters, action and reactions of other characters which seem to be accorded totruth and justice, are presented.