The role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and coping styles in prediction of rumination in women (who referred to Health Houses of district 14 in Tehran)
Subject Areas : Educational
Farzane Rezaei
simindokht rezakhani
1 - counseling Department, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.
2 - Department of Counseling, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran.
Keywords: coping styles, cognitive emotion regulation strategies, women who referred to Health House, rumination,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to predict the rumination in women on the basis of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and coping styles. The research was descriptive and correlational. All women who referred to Health Houses of district 14 in Tehran in autumn 2013 comprised the study population. Sample size was 260 people who were selected voluntarily. Questionnaires of Rumination Response Scale (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991), Cognitive Emotion Regulation (Garnefski, 2006) and Coping Strategies (Rezakhani, 1388) were completed by sample group. The data was ananlyzied through standard multiple regression and the following results were optained: The components of cognitive emotion regulation predicted 37% and coping strategies 13/9% rumination variance in studied population. The findings also showed that among of cognitive emotion regulation strategies, the components of self- blaming and rumination are predicted positively and significantly (p<./0001) and component of acceptance is predicted negatively and significantly (p<./0001) and emotional- oriented coping strategy predict the rumination in women positively and significantly (p<./0001).
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