Investigating the effects of injecting intravenous anesthetics Propofol, sodium thiopental, fentanyl during implantation on the rate of abnormalities in rats.
The effects of propofol, thiopental sodium, and fentanyl during implantation on the rate of abnormalities
Subject Areas : Experimental physiology and pathology
Shiva Shojaifard 1 , Mohamad Reza Jamshidi 2 , Elham Hosseini 3 , Somayeh Abdollahi sabet 4 , مهدی رهنما 5
1 - Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
2 - Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship, Department of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran.
3 - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mousavi Hospital, School of Medicine, Zanjan University of medical Sciences, Zanjan , Iran
4 - - Department of Community medicine, Faculty of medicin, social determinants of health research center, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences , Zanjan Iran.
5 - Department of Physiology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.
Keywords: propofol, sodium thiopental, fentanyl, abnormality, implantation,
Abstract :
Background & Aim: Background and purpose: Anesthesia is very important for assisted reproductive technology to provide minimal adverse effects on the oocyte. Defects in the development of the embryo or abnormality in its growth phenomenon lead to IVF failure in most cases. The number of abnormalities in laboratory rats is RAT.Materials & methods: Propofol, Nestonal, and Fentanyl were used for single and combined anesthesia. The sham group was studied to control injection stress by injecting distilled water and the control group without receiving drugs. In the next step, the fertility conditions of the mice were provided. The effectiveness of the drugs is relatively similar to the selected doses, and after counting, cesarean surgery is performed on each fetus, and after the placenta is carefully separated from the fetus, both are carefully weighed, measured, and recorded.Results: The difference in the number of births was not observed, but the weight of the placenta and the weight of the fetus were investigated as indicators determining the effect of drugs on the fetus, which can be a symbol of fetal abnormalities. The results showed that the drugs used had no effect on conception and its success rate, but they were effective on fetal growth, and propofol had the least effect on abnormalities, and there was a significant difference in placenta and fetal weight between this group and the other group. The birth weight of mice was based on the type of drug, the highest birth weight was related to the drug Nestonal (TP) and the lowest birth weight was related to the drug Fentanyl (PH). Based on the type of drug, the live birth weight of the mice was the highest weight of the live mice related to Nestonal drug (TP) and the lowest was related to Fentanyl drug (PH).Conclusion: Examining anesthetic drugs to find the safest and best drug is of great clinical and research importance. The study of chromosomal abnormalities is one of the main programs of future studies for the analysis of fetal abnormalities.
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