Identifying the Dimensions and Components of the Organizational Health of Managers at Azad University Branches of Gilan: A Mixed Method Study
Subject Areas : Business Strategy
Seyedeh Zahra Hosseini Dronkolaei
Saeed Golamniya Fomani
Babak Hosseinzadeh
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Keywords: organizational health, Occupation conflict, Knowledge management, university managers,
Abstract :
Managers are the most valuable asset for every organization. Organizational health is the term given to a business's capacity to adapt in a constantly evolving world. It refers to “the ability of an organization to cope with change and continue to function with a high-performance workplace culture.” And these days, the organizational environment is always shifting. This study aimed to investigate the dimensions and components of managers’ organizational health at the Azad University Branches of Gilan. The results showed that organizational health has 2 dimensions included "structural and managerial". The structural dimension has 5 components including "organizational atmosphere, organization structure, scientific emphasis, monitoring and evaluation, and organizational justice". The managerial dimension has 5 components including "ethics, goal setting, resource support, effective leadership, and consideration". The effect of all dimensions and components on organizational health was confirmed, and the management dimension with a factor loading of (0.960) has the first rank and the structural dimension with a factor load of (0.947) has the last rank. The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that organizational health variables "structural and managerial" have a normal distribution (p> 0.05). The results of the KMO & Bartlett test indicate that these assumptions are confirmed (p> 0.05). The findings of the study also showed that the presented model has a good fit. Organizational health is a vital aspect of many jobs, including educational jobs, in which managers are required to comply with their employees and subordinates. On the other hand, organizational health will create a pleasant environment for the workplace and increase the spirit of creativity to achieve organizational goals.
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