Suffer Facilitators: A Qualitative Study of the Infertile Females Interactions with the Scene Overlooking Observers
Subject Areas : Psychology
Azade Abooei
SeyedAlireza Afshani
Ali Ruhani
1 - Science & Arts University in Yazd, Department of psychology, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Yazd University, Department of cooperation and social welfare, Yazd, Iran.
3 - Yazd University, Department of cooperation and social welfare, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: Suffer facilitators, Infertile females, Observers overlooking the scene,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between infertile females and their associated relatives discussing their infertility issues. The research population embraced all the Yaz city infertile females referred to Infertility Centers. 21 females were selected and studied by means of theoretical and purposive sampling. Using a qualitative approach and grounded theory method, the process of theoretical sampling continued to data saturation. Data was collected and analyzed with open, axial and selective coding. The research findings included 13 main categories and one core category called suffer facilitators. Consequently, conceptual tables, paradigmatic model and theoretical schema of the research were presented. In general, explanation of the results indicated the phenomenon of "double suffering" in the target population. Infertile females, in respect to the traditional culture of the target population, confronted with near and far relatives which it made their lives a dilemma. Due to interpose of the associated relatives in the details of infertile females lives, like those watching over the scene, and extended the infertile females pain to the areas other than infertility issues.
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