Documentary Study of Futures Studies Articles in the Field of Education
Subject Areas : Education
Robab Rahmati
Amir karimi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Alborz.
2 - Social studies teacher, Zanjan
Keywords: Review, Futures studies, Curriculum, education,
Abstract :
Futures research in education is one of the new dimensions of this science in the current world that has been considered by researchers in this field and research in this area is increasing gradually. Therefore, this article firstly aims to investigate the evolution of published articles in the field of futures studies in Iranian education and, secondly to identify new directions in research for the development of this science.The present study is a review on the basis of which Noormags databases, Comprehensive Humanities Portal, Jihad Daneshgahi Scientific Information Center database, Civilica, Elmnet, Magiran, etc. were examined using keywords of futures research in curriculum, schools, teaching, education, distance education, books and educational documents. All published articles from 2011 to 2021 were reviewed and analyzed. After studying and evaluating the content of the articles, the research gaps and the areas of interest of the articles were reviewed and analyzed.indicate that the main topics studied in recent decade articles include the document of fundamental change in education and the curriculum and the qualitative method was the most frequent. Research proposals also focused on futures research in online classrooms, international classrooms, educational robots, and sustainable education. The neglected areas can be considered by researchers for new research topics.
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