Analyzing the Brand Personality Attributes of Professional Athletes in the Instagram Social Media
Subject Areas : Sport Marketing
Abed Mahmoudian
Ako Ebrahim Fage
Farid Ganji
Hanieh Gholami
1 - Ph.D Student of Sport Management, University of Kurdistan
2 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Halabja
3 - Ph.d of Sport Management, University of Kurdistan
4 - M.A of Sport Management, University of Kurdistan
Keywords: Brand Personality, Instagram, professional athletes, Fans&rsquo, Responses,
Abstract :
the present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the personality attributes of the brand of professional athletes in the Instagram (case study: Veria Ghafouri). The authors of the article analyzed the number of 86 posts shared on the official Instagram page of Veria Ghafouri during the 1400/1401 season and classified them based on the attributes of the athlete's brand personality. A small sample included 86 posts and 18/617/210 likes and 1/038/030 comments. The results of the analysis of Veria Ghafouri's Instagram page showed that this athlete focused most on the attributes of family man, sportsman, stylish and up-to-date, masculine, happy, hardworking, effective, demonstrative, successful, appreciative, encouraging, legal personality, inspiring. , supportive, harsh and rude, cold-blooded, exciting, leader and lively. The results show that attributes with content; athletic, successful, legal personality, supportive, family man, grateful, stylish and up-to-date, strong, effective, hardworking, etc. in order of highest average number of likes and attributes with content; Family man, hardworking, legal person, exciting, sportsman, successful, supporter, leader, effective, strong respectively have the highest average number of comments of the followers of this athlete's Instagram page. The results of the current research highlight the importance of the type of content produced by athletes on the Instagram social media for fans and followers, and with a better understanding of followers' responses (likes and comments), the necessary platforms to create a strong brand personality for athletes. It provides a professional through visual media for athletes and managers of their programs.