The Musician Woman Based on Evidence from the Burial of the Iron Age Cemetery in Gohar Tepe
Subject Areas : Prehistoric Archaeology
Atefeh Rasouli
Meysam Miri Ahoodashti
1 - Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of History and Archaeology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Behshahr, Iron age, Musical Instrument, Gohar Tepe,
Abstract :
Music is a type of human behavior that is very powerful in impact. Music should be considered the first tool of instinctual human expression. From the beginning of creation, man has used dance and song to describe his inner modes. The study of documents shows the high of music in ancient Iran, which has been effective in Iranian religious ceremonies. Music is a phenomenon that is part of the national identity and the basis of a society’s culture. One of the essential issues related to the position of women in prehistoric Iran is their role in music. The purpose of this study is to identify musical instruments in ancient times, primarily the tool discovered in the Iron Age cemetery of Gohar Tepe, and the importance of the role of women in music, dancing, and singing. The research hypothesis is that no such musical instrument has been discovered, according to the excavations and studies in the Iron Age sites of Mazandaran and Gilan. This study uses the analytical–experimental method and fieldwork. The results show this instrument which is similar to the clarinet, is a wind instrument and is one of the oldest musical instruments of ancient times. This musical instrument is unique and interesting, which consists of deer antlers and silver with seven nails riveted to each other. In addition to the musical instrument and this burial, a bronze mask, metal objects, pottery, and ornaments have been also discovered, showing women's high position in music in the Iron Age of Iran.
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