The emotional experience dimensions of the residents of apartment units during the coronavirus pandemic (case study: Tehran)
Subject Areas : Space Ontology International Journal
yeganeh khalili
Ghasem Motalebi
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Keywords: quarantine, Residential Unit, Coronavirus Pandemic, Architectural experience, stress and relaxation,
Abstract :
During pandemics, people are more susceptible to high stress,which is caused by the dread of disease, the consequences of home quarantine,the illness and death of family members, remote work activities, and virtual schooling.As this might not be the last outbreak, we need to be well-equipped with greater adaptability and resilience.The research purpose is to investigate and then rank the components affecting the user's emotional experience (increasing relaxation and reducing stress) in the communal space of residential apartments in Tehran during pandemics.The ranking was based on the extent and type of psychological effect.This research seeks to answer the main question:What architectural components of the communal space of the apartment houses(living room),during the period of the coronavirus pandemic have an impact on creating or enhancing relaxation and decreasing the stress levels of residents?The research method is descriptive-analytical. Initially home-associated comforting components and recommended components for the pandemic era were scrutinized by reviewing the research literature.Moreover, components suggested by the authors were examined.The research components were classified into three categories: physical components, ensory components,and personal components.The components were evaluated through a qualitative interview with 10 architectural professors to confirm the validity of the research.Then, the data were collected and ranked through a qualitative questionnaire (including demographic information and Panas standard questions based on positive and negative emotional poles on a 10-point Likert scale) from a sample size of 405 people.The collected data were analyzed by SPSS using Shapiro-Wilk, Friedman, one-way ANOVA, unpaired t, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U tests.The results show that the most important components affecting positive emotional experience include openable windows that facilitate the flow of fresh air, the entry of natural light, and a semi-open space (a terrace or balcony).However, partitioning and creating individual spaces and higher dimensions of proxemics to family members had the least priority on positive emotional experience
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