The Effect of Super Absorbent Application on Yield and Yield Components of Rain-fed Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes under Supplemental Irrigation Conditions
Subject Areas :
Journal of Crop Ecophysiology
Seyedeh Nesa Shahrokhi
Ahmad Naderi
Payam Pezeshkpour
Mani Mojaddam
Adel Modhej
1 - -Agronomy Department, Khozestan of Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
- Agronomy Department, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - - Agronomy Department, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
- Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Khuzestan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center, Ahvaz, Iran.
3 - - Agronomy Department, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
- Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Lorestan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center, Khorramabad, Iran.
4 - Agronomy Department, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
5 - Agronomy Department, Shoushtar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran
Received: 2020-06-13
Accepted : 2021-01-27
Published : 2022-07-23
Water deficit,
Biological yield,
Hydrophilic polymer,
Leaf greenness index,
Abstract :
In order to study the responses of chickpea genotypes and super absorbent application under supplemental irrigation condition, an experiment was conducted base on split-split- plot randomized complete block design with four replications during 2014-2015 in the Agricultural Research Station of Sarab Changaei, Khorramabad. Suplimental irrigation (rainfed, suplimental irrigation at 50% flowering and supplemental irrigation at 50% flowering+ 50% poding) in the main plots, super absorbent polymer in subplot and cultivars (Arman, Azad, Hashem, Adel and ILC482) the sub-subplots were located. The highest grain yield and protein yield were obtained in supplementary irrigation in two stages (50% flowering + 50% poding) with super absorbent application, by avrege of 3890 and 870 kg.ha-1, respectively, which were 24% and 21% higher than control, respectively. The highest leaf greenness (39.22), pods per plant (22.1), seed weight (52.4) and biological yield (5413.5) were related to two-stage irrigation. The highest number of pods per plant (27.7) was observed in Hashem cultivar and superabsorbent application, which was 34% more than non- super absorbent in same cultivar. Results of genotype× super absorbent showed that the highest grain yield (4159 kg.ha-1), grain nitrogen percentage (3.69) and protein yield (960 kg.ha-1) were obtained under super absorbent and Adel cultivar conditions. Based on the results, application of supera bsorbent increased grain yield and protein yield of chickpea genotype in rain-fed conditions. By improving physiological traits, associated with drought tolerance, the use of supplemental irrigation method in areas that make this possible, especially if combined with the application of super absorbent polymers, can increase seed yield in chickpea.
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Alahyari, S., A. Golchin, and A.R. Vaezi. 2013. Study on effect of super absorbent polymer application on yield and yield components of two chickpea cultivars under rainfed conditions. Journal of Plant Production Research. 20(1): 125-139. (In Persian).
Amiri, S.R., R. Deihimfard, and A. Soltani. 2016. A single supplementary irrigation can boost chickpea grain yield and water use efficiency in arid and semiarid conditions: A modeling study. Agronomy Journal. 108: 2406-2416.
2017. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization. Rome, Italy
2002. SAS Institute Inc. The SAS system for windows, release 9.0. Cary, NC, USA: Statistical Analysis Systems Institute.
Bagheri, A., Siadat, A. Koochekzadeh, M.R. Moradi Telavat, and M. Rafiee. 2019. Physiological responses of chickpea cultivars to supplemental irrigation and super-absorbent polymer using under rainfed farming system. Journal of Crop Improvement. 21(3): 233-336. (In Persian).
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Islam, M.R., X. Xue, S. Mao, X. Zhao, A.E. Eneji, and Y. Hu. 2011. Superabsorbent polymers (SAP) enhance efficient and eco-friendly production of corn (Zea mays) in drought affected areas of northern China. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10 (24): 4887-4894.
Jamshidi, N., A.H. Shirani Rad, F. Takht chin, P. Nazeri, and M. Ghafari. 2012. Evaluation of rapeseed genotypes under drought stress condition. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 6(3): 323-339. (In Persion).
Keshavarz, H., and Gh. Khodabin. 2019. The role of uniconazole in improving physiological and biochemical attributes of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) subjected to drought stress. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology. 22(2): 161-168.
Keshavarz, H., S.A.M. Modares-Sanavy, and M. Mahdipour Afra. 2018. Organic and chemical fertilizer affected yield and essential oil of two mint species. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants. 21 (6): 1674-1681.
Khadem, S.A., M. Ghalavio, S.R. Ramroodi, M.J. Mousavi, and P. Rezvani-Moghadam. 2011. Effect of animal manure and superabsorbent polymer on yield and yield components on corn (Zea mays). Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 1: 115-123. (in Persian)
Khan, N., A. Bano, M.A. Rahman, J. Gue, Zh. Kang, and M.A. Babar. 2019. Comparative physiological and metabolic analysis reveals a complex mechanism involved in drought tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) induced by PGPR and PGRs. Science Reports. 9: 2097.
Moeini, A., A, Neshat, N. Yazdanpanah, and A. Pasandi Pour. 2022. Effect of super absorbent polymer and soil texture affecting the physiological response of maize (Zea mays) under water deficit stress. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 16(1): 43-60. (In Persian).
Mokhtari Motlagh, M, and H. Sharifan. 2017. Estimation of different soil infiltration Parameters in furrow irrigation with super absorbent polymer. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 24(5): 281-289.
Moradi-Ghahderijani, M., S. Jafarian, and H. Keshavarz. 2017. Alleviation of water stress effects and improved oil yield in sunflower by application of soil and foliar amendments. Rhizosphere. 4: 54-61.
Mortezavi, S.M.A., K.K. Tavakoli, K. Afsahi, and M.H. Mohammadi. 2015. Effect of superabsorbent on physiological traits and yield of wheat Azar 2 cultivar under dry farming condition. Agronomy Journal (Pajouhesh and Sazandegi). 104: 118-125. (In Persian).
Mostofi-Sarkari, M.R., and M. Safari. 2020. Study of legumes trailed combine performance to harvesting rain-fed chickpea. Journal of Research in Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery. 8(2): 33-40. (In Persian).
Paredes, P., G.C. Rodrigues, M.D. Cameira, M.O. Torres, and L.S. Pereira. 2017. Assessing yield, water productivity and farm economic returns of malt barley as influenced by the sowing dates and supplemental irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 179(1): 132-143.
Pezeshkpour, P., and K. Khademi. 2014. Crop and genetic management for drought resistance in chickpeas. Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center. Lorestan. 11:88-92.
Porsa, H., A. Bagheri, A. Ganjeali, and M. Abed. 2017. Study the morphophenological characteristics, growth indices, yield and yield components of promising drought tolerant chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes under supplementary irrigation in Nishabour. Iranian Journal of Pulses Research. 9(2): 12-27. (In Persian).
Pouresmaeil, P., D. Habibi, D.A. Tavasoli, H. Zahedi, and H.R. Touhidi moghadam. 2010. The effect of water super absorbent polymer on agronomic and physiological characters of red bean varieties under drought stress in the greenhouse condition. Plant Ecology. 21: 75-91.
Salo-väänänen, P.P., and P.E. Koivistoinen. 1996. Determination of protein in foods: comparison of net protein and crude protein (N × 6.25) values. Food Chemistry. 57(1): 27-31.
Su, L.G., J.G. Li, H. Xue, and X.F. Wang. 2017. Super absorbent polymer seed coatings promote seed germination and seedling growth of Caragana korshinskii in drought. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science 8(18): 696-706.
Zhong, K., Z.T. Lin, X.L. Zheng, G.B. Jiang, Y.S. Fang, X.Y. Mao, and Z.W. Liao. 2013. Starch derivative-based Superabsorbent with integration of water-retaining and controlled-release fertilizers. Carbohydrate Polymers. 92(2): 1367-1376.
Abedi Koupai, J., and M. Mesforoush. 2009. Evaluation of superabsorbent polymer application on yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency in cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 2:100-111.
Alahyari, S., A. Golchin, and A.R. Vaezi. 2013. Study on effect of super absorbent polymer application on yield and yield components of two chickpea cultivars under rainfed conditions. Journal of Plant Production Research. 20(1): 125-139. (In Persian).
Amiri, S.R., R. Deihimfard, and A. Soltani. 2016. A single supplementary irrigation can boost chickpea grain yield and water use efficiency in arid and semiarid conditions: A modeling study. Agronomy Journal. 108: 2406-2416.
2017. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization. Rome, Italy
2002. SAS Institute Inc. The SAS system for windows, release 9.0. Cary, NC, USA: Statistical Analysis Systems Institute.
Bagheri, A., Siadat, A. Koochekzadeh, M.R. Moradi Telavat, and M. Rafiee. 2019. Physiological responses of chickpea cultivars to supplemental irrigation and super-absorbent polymer using under rainfed farming system. Journal of Crop Improvement. 21(3): 233-336. (In Persian).
Beljkas, B., J. Matic, I. Milovanovic, P. Jovanov, A. Misan, and L. Saric. 2010. Rapid method for determination of protein content in cereals and oilseeds: validation, measurement uncertainty and comparison with the Kjeldahl method. Accreditation and Quality Assurance. 15: 555-561.
Eneji, A.E., R. Islam, P. An, and U.C. Amalu. 2013. Nitrate retention and physiological adjustment of maize to soil amendment with superabsorbent polymers. Journal of Cleaner Production. 52: 474-480.
Farhadi, M., and P. Pezeshkpour. 2019. Effect of superabsorbent combination and vermicompost on yield and yield components of chickpea under dry land farming conditions. Plant Ecophysislogy. 11 (38): 37- 46. (In Persian).
Farjam, S., A. Siosemardeh, H. Kazemi-Arbat, M. Yarnia, and A. Rokhzadi. 2017. Effects of ascorbic and salicylic acid foliar application on physiological traits of two chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum) under drought stress conditions. Iranian Journal of Pulses Research. 9(1): 99-117. (In Persian).
Ganjeali, A., M. Kaffi, and M. Sabet Teimouri. 2010. Variations of root and shoot physiological indices in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in response to drought stress. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences. 3: 35-45.
Ganjeali, A., M. Kafi, and A. Bagheri. 2007. Approaches from root studies on chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 13(1): 179-189. (In Persian).
Garg, R., R. Shankar, B. Thakkar, H. Kudapa, L. Krishnamurthy, N. Mantri, R.K. Varshney, S. Bhatia, and M. Jain. 2016. Transcriptome analyses reveal genotype and developmental stage-specific molecular responses to drought and salinity stresses in chickpea. Science Reports. 6: 192-280.
Islam, M.R., X. Xue, S. Mao, X. Zhao, A.E. Eneji, and Y. Hu. 2011. Superabsorbent polymers (SAP) enhance efficient and eco-friendly production of corn (Zea mays) in drought affected areas of northern China. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10 (24): 4887-4894.
Jamshidi, N., A.H. Shirani Rad, F. Takht chin, P. Nazeri, and M. Ghafari. 2012. Evaluation of rapeseed genotypes under drought stress condition. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 6(3): 323-339. (In Persion).
Keshavarz, H., and Gh. Khodabin. 2019. The role of uniconazole in improving physiological and biochemical attributes of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) subjected to drought stress. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology. 22(2): 161-168.
Keshavarz, H., S.A.M. Modares-Sanavy, and M. Mahdipour Afra. 2018. Organic and chemical fertilizer affected yield and essential oil of two mint species. Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants. 21 (6): 1674-1681.
Khadem, S.A., M. Ghalavio, S.R. Ramroodi, M.J. Mousavi, and P. Rezvani-Moghadam. 2011. Effect of animal manure and superabsorbent polymer on yield and yield components on corn (Zea mays). Iranian Journal of Crop Science. 1: 115-123. (in Persian)
Khan, N., A. Bano, M.A. Rahman, J. Gue, Zh. Kang, and M.A. Babar. 2019. Comparative physiological and metabolic analysis reveals a complex mechanism involved in drought tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) induced by PGPR and PGRs. Science Reports. 9: 2097.
Moeini, A., A, Neshat, N. Yazdanpanah, and A. Pasandi Pour. 2022. Effect of super absorbent polymer and soil texture affecting the physiological response of maize (Zea mays) under water deficit stress. Journal of Crop Ecophysiology. 16(1): 43-60. (In Persian).
Mokhtari Motlagh, M, and H. Sharifan. 2017. Estimation of different soil infiltration Parameters in furrow irrigation with super absorbent polymer. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation. 24(5): 281-289.
Moradi-Ghahderijani, M., S. Jafarian, and H. Keshavarz. 2017. Alleviation of water stress effects and improved oil yield in sunflower by application of soil and foliar amendments. Rhizosphere. 4: 54-61.
Mortezavi, S.M.A., K.K. Tavakoli, K. Afsahi, and M.H. Mohammadi. 2015. Effect of superabsorbent on physiological traits and yield of wheat Azar 2 cultivar under dry farming condition. Agronomy Journal (Pajouhesh and Sazandegi). 104: 118-125. (In Persian).
Mostofi-Sarkari, M.R., and M. Safari. 2020. Study of legumes trailed combine performance to harvesting rain-fed chickpea. Journal of Research in Mechanics of Agricultural Machinery. 8(2): 33-40. (In Persian).
Paredes, P., G.C. Rodrigues, M.D. Cameira, M.O. Torres, and L.S. Pereira. 2017. Assessing yield, water productivity and farm economic returns of malt barley as influenced by the sowing dates and supplemental irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 179(1): 132-143.
Pezeshkpour, P., and K. Khademi. 2014. Crop and genetic management for drought resistance in chickpeas. Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center. Lorestan. 11:88-92.
Porsa, H., A. Bagheri, A. Ganjeali, and M. Abed. 2017. Study the morphophenological characteristics, growth indices, yield and yield components of promising drought tolerant chickpea (Cicer arietinum) genotypes under supplementary irrigation in Nishabour. Iranian Journal of Pulses Research. 9(2): 12-27. (In Persian).
Pouresmaeil, P., D. Habibi, D.A. Tavasoli, H. Zahedi, and H.R. Touhidi moghadam. 2010. The effect of water super absorbent polymer on agronomic and physiological characters of red bean varieties under drought stress in the greenhouse condition. Plant Ecology. 21: 75-91.
Salo-väänänen, P.P., and P.E. Koivistoinen. 1996. Determination of protein in foods: comparison of net protein and crude protein (N × 6.25) values. Food Chemistry. 57(1): 27-31.
Su, L.G., J.G. Li, H. Xue, and X.F. Wang. 2017. Super absorbent polymer seed coatings promote seed germination and seedling growth of Caragana korshinskii in drought. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science 8(18): 696-706.
Zhong, K., Z.T. Lin, X.L. Zheng, G.B. Jiang, Y.S. Fang, X.Y. Mao, and Z.W. Liao. 2013. Starch derivative-based Superabsorbent with integration of water-retaining and controlled-release fertilizers. Carbohydrate Polymers. 92(2): 1367-1376.