Assessment of Citizens Satisfaction with Urban Bus driving System (Case Study:Maragheh city )
Subject Areas :Hooshang Sarvar 1 , mahtab amraei 2
1 - استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامهریزی شهری، دانشگاه مراغه، مراغه، ایران
2 - Master of Geography and Urban Planning Urban University of Maragheh
Keywords: Public transportation, Evaluation, satisfaction, Maragheh, Driving Bus,
Abstract :
Today, buses are the most important means of public transportation in most citiesof our country, as well as in most developing countries. There is little investmentneeded to launch a bus; and it does not depend on a specific route compared to other mass transit systems. It can be developed and changed. It also has a lower level of urban space compared to other vehicles; it is a priority in terms of cost savings and urban bus traffic reduction for many vehicles. In this study, in order to evaluate the satisfaction of Maragheh citizens from the interurban bus system, 200 people were selected as sample in each region of the city. Data were analyzed by SPSS and Minitab software and data output through the test T single-sample and ANOVA tests, and these results were achieved; most users of urban buses are women, educated people, and people with an income of less than one million. In the first hypothesis, the data output was calculated through a single-sample Ttest, it was found that there are some satisfactions in such cases as: bus timing, time saving, security for women, reduced traffic, reduced pollution, etc. However, there is not enough satisfaction in such cases as: drivers' behavior, ticket costs, and the number of stations. In the second hypothesis, using ANOVA, it was found that there is a difference between the different regions of the city in terms of satisfaction with the intercity bus system.
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