The Role of Non-Verbal Communication in Shahriar's Persian Poetry
Subject Areas : Persian Language & Literature
Jamshid Daszarin
Narges Oskouie
Hossein Dadashi
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran.
Keywords: Lyrical literature, non-verbal communication, poetry, Shahriar, audience.,
Abstract :
The desired goal of any discourse, including literary discourses, is to have an effect on the mind and feelings of the audience in addition to conveying the message and media. The main characteristic of Shahriar's ghazal, like Hafez's term "it", is comprehensible, but indescribable, exemplary liveliness and tenderness, and its passionate and emotional effect on the soul and soul of the audience. Shahriar, Anan easily takes control of the audience's emotional actions and feelings and takes him along with him, through thousands of human experiences and at different stages of life. Many researches have been conducted to find the source of this effect in Shahriar's poetry, which is found on the one hand in the sensory richness and emotional-perceptual richness of "I" and Shahriar's personality, i.e., author-oriented research, and on the other hand, in his creative linguistic and artistic abilities, i.e., text-oriented research. The main issue of the current research was to investigate the quality of the impact of Shahriar's Persian ghazals, the founder of communication science, and to investigate the process of non-verbal communication. This research was carried out by analytical-descriptive method and the following results were obtained: Shahriar has beautifully linked the existing but invisible meanings of language and culture and while establishing the kinship between linguistics and culture, it shows their mutual need for each other. Another point that can be understood from this profound thought of Shahriar in terms of culture, society and communication is to pay attention to the indicativeness of body postures. Being a marker means that the specific member in question takes a form that is a function of space and place.
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