An Analytical Perspective on the Realization of the Iranian Paradigm of Justice-Centered City in the Urban Development Plan of Farahzad, Tehran
Subject Areas :mahshid tajedini 1 , manochehr tabibian 2 , masoud elahi 3
1 - Ph.D Candidate, Department of urban planning, Faculty of Architecture & Urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.
2 - Full Professor, Department of Urban planning, Faculty of Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor of Urban Planning, Urban Planning Dept., Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch of Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran. Email:
Keywords: Paradigm, Distributive Justice, Urban Development Plan, Just City, Structural Justice,
Abstract :
The exploration of the intrinsic meaning and origin of justice represents one of the most intricate philosophical and moral inquiries. The discourse on how justice is manifested in the world, grounded in civilization, has been a perennial subject among theorists. This research delves into elucidating a comprehensive definition of the Iranian paradigm for a just city, with a specific focus on its realization within the framework of the Farahzad Urban Development Plan in Tehran. The novel paradigm is rooted in three dimensions of justice—law, ethics, and civilization—emphasizing four fundamental aspects: substantive, formal, distributive, and structural justice. The research adopts an applied-developmental approach in terms of purpose and a descriptive-analytical methodology. Data collection involves both documentary research and field investigations, incorporating interviews and questionnaires. The study's statistical population comprises residents, experts, and city officials, and the results are analyzed using SPSS software with a combination of descriptive and inferential statistics. The Bogardos method reveals a significant social distance and an unfavorable universality range among diverse social groups in Farahzad. The sample test and Pearson correlation analysis highlight a non-realization of just city components in the current Farahzad situation from citizens' perspectives. Conversely, an assessment of the approved plan, "Organizing Farahzad Urban Center," underscores its desirability in terms of law and ethics but identifies unfavorable socialist dimensions according to expert evaluations. Significantly, the results demonstrate a meaningful relationship between structural justice and distributive justice in the pursuit of justice-oriented dimensions based on essential and formal aspects.
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