Analysis and Evaluation Resilience Indicators in relation to Reduction of Spatial injustice (Case Study: Urban Neighborhoods Bandar -e- Imam Khomeini)
Subject Areas :
Mehdi Ghanavati
Abbas Maroofnezhad
1 - M.Sc., Department of Geography & urban planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Resilience, Spatial injustice, Urban Neighborhoods, Bandar -e- Imam Khomeini.,
Abstract :
Over the past several decades, rapid urban development and the development of urban slums(especially in the developing countries)has caused their vulnerability to overcome human and natural crises therefore, to make resilient and increase the level of crisis management in urban societies especially the slums and disorderly neighborhoods is of particular importance. Given the significance of the issue, this study investigates and measures resilience indices in reducing spatial inequity with an emphasis on neighborhoods in the city of bandar Imam Khomeini by identifying and selecting four resilience indices (infrastructural-physical, economic, environmental, and institutional-social) and 56 sub-indices. The research is applied in nature and uses a survey-evaluation methodology emphasizing questionnaires. The statistical population comprises residents of 23 neighborhoods in the city of bandar Imam Khomeini, and the sample size is determined to be 429 people. To examine the normality of data distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used. and to determine the size of the selected sample KMO and bartelt test is applied. The results of the research show, from the 23rd neighborhood of Imam khomeini's port in terms of ranking resilience indicators using the marcos technique, neighborhood of phase one north mofatteh with a score of 0.979, phase 3(railroad houses) with a score of 0.896, and shahid dastgheib neighborhood with a score of 0.891 are ranked first to third and sabbaghan(CampB), with a score of 0.591, twenty-third(end)respectively.
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