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  • Abbas Heydari

    List of Articles Abbas Heydari

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    1 - Balaban Index of C4C8(S) Nanotubes
    Theory of Approximation and Applications , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2020
    where m is the number of edges, μ is the cyclomatic number of G, d(u) is thesum of distances between vertex u and all of the vertices of G, and the summationgoes over all edges from the edge set E(G). In this paper we obtain amethod for calculating the Balaban index More
    where m is the number of edges, μ is the cyclomatic number of G, d(u) is thesum of distances between vertex u and all of the vertices of G, and the summationgoes over all edges from the edge set E(G). In this paper we obtain amethod for calculating the Balaban index of nanotubes which have square andoctagon structure and denoted by C4C8(S) nanotubes. Manuscript profile

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    2 - A new method for computation of Wiener index if C4C8(S) Nanotorus
    Theory of Approximation and Applications , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2021
    The Wiener index of a graph G is defined as W(G) = ... where V (G) is the setof all vertices of G and for i,j in V (G), d(i,j) is the minimum distance between i and j. Ashrafiand yousefi (see A. R. Ashrafi and S. Yousefi, Computing the Wiener Index of a TUC4C8(S)Nanotor More
    The Wiener index of a graph G is defined as W(G) = ... where V (G) is the setof all vertices of G and for i,j in V (G), d(i,j) is the minimum distance between i and j. Ashrafiand yousefi (see A. R. Ashrafi and S. Yousefi, Computing the Wiener Index of a TUC4C8(S)Nanotorus, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 57(2)(2007), 403-410) computed theWiener index of TUC4C8(S) Nanotorus. In this paper we use a new method to compute theWiener index of these Nanotorus. Manuscript profile

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    3 - On the computation of characteristic polynomials and spectra of balanced rooted trees
    Theory of Approximation and Applications , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2020
    A generalized Bethe tree is a rooted unweighted tree in whichthe vertices in each of its levels have equal degree. In this paperwe derive an explicit formula for the characteristic polynomialsof the adjacency and Laplacian matrices of unweighted rootedtree which obtaine More
    A generalized Bethe tree is a rooted unweighted tree in whichthe vertices in each of its levels have equal degree. In this paperwe derive an explicit formula for the characteristic polynomialsof the adjacency and Laplacian matrices of unweighted rootedtree which obtained from the union of the generalized Bethe treesjoined at their respective root vertices by using of rooted productof graphs. Manuscript profile