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  • hossein nasiraghdam

    List of Articles hossein nasiraghdam

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    1 - Direct torque control of induction motor with fuzzy logic robust controllers
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2021
    In recent years, a lot of effort has been made to develop various advanced control techniques in electric motors drive for industrial applications. Induction motors are the most common motors used in motion control systems. Simple and robust design, cheap price and low More
    In recent years, a lot of effort has been made to develop various advanced control techniques in electric motors drive for industrial applications. Induction motors are the most common motors used in motion control systems. Simple and robust design, cheap price and low maintenance cost are the main advantages of induction motors. In this article, the three-phase induction motor drive is selected as a suitable electric drive according to the wide range of speed control and its performance in classical controls is examined. The main goal of this paper is to provide a robust control method for three-phase induction electric drive. The presented control method is capable of better starting the motor in a wide range of speed and torque. Also, the use of fuzzy controller has improved the stator flux and reduced the steady state fault of the drive. The performance of the proposed engine and drive is analyzed using MATLAB/Simulink software and the results are shown in different conditions. Manuscript profile

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    2 - MRAS observer based on rotor current for DFIG sensorless control in network voltage drop condition
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 2 , Year , Summer 2021
    This paper introduces a new application of the Rotor based-current MRAS observer (RCMO) method for Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) sensorless control in the condition of network voltage drop. DFIG control is Field oriented control (FOC) vector and Model reference More
    This paper introduces a new application of the Rotor based-current MRAS observer (RCMO) method for Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) sensorless control in the condition of network voltage drop. DFIG control is Field oriented control (FOC) vector and Model reference adaptive system (MRAS) observer is used instead of speed and position sensor based on rotor current. It is possible to estimate the speed and position of the rotor. Simulation and analysis have been done based on 10% balanced voltage drop in the wind power plant terminal. The results of the simulation show the estimated speed (ω̂r), accurate and appropriate sequence of speed has real (ωr). Also, the graph of the machine variables in the state of balanced three-phase voltage drop in the state sensored is obtained and compared with the state sensorless, which shows the lack of influence of the estimated speed fault on the simulation results and the acceptability of using the RCMO method in estimating the speed in the condition of balanced voltage drop. Finally, the effect of various voltage drops on the estimated speed fault has been investigated. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Optimal and economic load distribution by adjusting all types of controllable variables with the aim of reducing production costs and minimizing losses
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 45 , Year , Spring 2023
    Smart Grids are the result of the activation of consumers in the power system and their role in the planning and operation of the power system. The communication, control and measurement infrastructure as a smart communication bridge establishes two-way comm More
    Smart Grids are the result of the activation of consumers in the power system and their role in the planning and operation of the power system. The communication, control and measurement infrastructure as a smart communication bridge establishes two-way communication between consumers and the power network and provides the basis for the effective implementation of the load response program as well as direct load control. The purpose of solving the problem of economic load distribution in the power system is to plan the output of production units in such a way as to provide the required load demand with the lowest possible cost. In addition, it satisfies the constraints of equality or inequality of all units. In this research, PSO optimization method is taken into consideration by considering voltage deviation, voltage loss and system load capacity as part of the objective function. Manuscript profile

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    4 - Load Model Effect Assessment on Optimal Distributed Generation Sizing and Allocation Using Improved Harmony Search Algorithm
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 2 , Year , Winter 2012
    The operation of a distribution system in the presence of distributed generation systems has someadvantages and challenges. Optimal sizing and siting of DG systems has economic, technical, andenvironmental benefits in distribution systems. Improper selection of DG syste More
    The operation of a distribution system in the presence of distributed generation systems has someadvantages and challenges. Optimal sizing and siting of DG systems has economic, technical, andenvironmental benefits in distribution systems. Improper selection of DG systems can reduce theseadvantages or even result in deterioration in the normal operation of the distribution system. DGallocation and capacity determination is a nonlinear optimization problem. The objective function ofthis problem is the minimization of the total loss of the distribution system. In this paper, the ImprovedHarmony Search (IHS) algorithm has been applied to the optimization problem. This algorithm has asuitable performance for this type of optimization problem. Active and reactive power demands of thedistribution system loads are dependent on bus voltage. This paper verifies the effect of voltagedependent loads on system power characteristics. The load model has an inevitable impact on DGsizing and placement. The proposed algorithm implemented and tested on 69-bus distribution systemsand the impact of voltage dependent load models are demonstrated. The obtained results show that theproposed algorithm has an acceptable performance. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    5 - Solving Security Constrained Unit Commitment by Particle Swarm Optimization
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2015
    The issue of unit commitment is one of the most important economic plans in power system. In modern and traditional power systems, in addition to being economical of the planning, the issue of security in unit operation is also of great importance. Hence power system op More
    The issue of unit commitment is one of the most important economic plans in power system. In modern and traditional power systems, in addition to being economical of the planning, the issue of security in unit operation is also of great importance. Hence power system operation confronts units’ participation and input considering network security constrains. The issue of units’ participation is defined as an optimization problem aimed at determining units' on or off condition and optimized level of units’ production Manuscript profile

  • Article

    6 - Presenting a Novel Algorithm to Optimal Designing Power Distribution Network in the Presence of DG
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2016
    Regarding the nature of non-linear discrete placement, and in order to determine the optimal capacity of the substation, the goal in the present study will be a number of local optimum points. In this research, the problem of optimal placement posts to reduce power loss More
    Regarding the nature of non-linear discrete placement, and in order to determine the optimal capacity of the substation, the goal in the present study will be a number of local optimum points. In this research, the problem of optimal placement posts to reduce power losses by considering Distributed Generation (DG). In formulating the objective function, geographical distribution density in the study period and places constraints on electric posts and geographic terms were investigated. The proposed technique would be based on testing a sample network. Manuscript profile

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    7 - Monitoring Pipe-Wall Corrosion Rate by Ultrasonic Technique
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2015
    thickness and corrosion/erosion rate. In this thesis, a combination of signal processing techniques are used to estimate the corrosion rate estimates based on MBE. Corrosion rate is estimated based on ultrasonic pipe wall thickness data is collected over a short period More
    thickness and corrosion/erosion rate. In this thesis, a combination of signal processing techniques are used to estimate the corrosion rate estimates based on MBE. Corrosion rate is estimated based on ultrasonic pipe wall thickness data is collected over a short period of time using MBE model. This technique is based on data collected from the speedometer applied for thinning and both indicate that they were able to estimate the rate of corrosion in short periods of time and with good accuracy. Manuscript profile

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    8 - Electrical Energy Storage on the Hybrid Grid of Renewable Energy System Using Fuzzy Controller Optimization Algorithm
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2018
    The main risks of arising from the using fossil fuels can be referred to environmental pollution, the effects of greenhouse gases, climate change and acid rain. For this reason, efficient use of energy in economic development has always been considered as an important g More
    The main risks of arising from the using fossil fuels can be referred to environmental pollution, the effects of greenhouse gases, climate change and acid rain. For this reason, efficient use of energy in economic development has always been considered as an important goal of sustainable development. In this study, the effects of time-varying electricity prices in the energy storage components performance is examined for a HRES in network by settings FLC based on optimization. The modeling results indicate that the performance of energy storage devices on the network HRES strongly affected by the price of the electricity grid as well as applying the capacity of the FLC is essential for this kind of data. Optimized FLC results have shown better performance compared to non-optimized counterpart have with applied settings for both daily and weekly operating period. The findings of this study indicate that the FLC optimize is better when is used on the HRES network according to the forecast periods shorter, in other words, prediction short-term results will conducive to the best performance on more accurate prediction of the data and settings of FLC for more than one day Manuscript profile

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    9 - Economic (Cost-Benefit) Analysis of Power Generation from Commercial Reinforced Concrete Solar Chimney Power Plant Built in the Desert Regions of Iran
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2015
    This paper expands a model different from existing models to analyze the cost and benefit of areinforced concrete solar chimney power plant (RCSCPP) built in the desert regions of Iran.Based on the model and some assumptions for values of parameters, this paper calculat More
    This paper expands a model different from existing models to analyze the cost and benefit of areinforced concrete solar chimney power plant (RCSCPP) built in the desert regions of Iran.Based on the model and some assumptions for values of parameters, this paper calculates totalnet present value (TNPV) and the minimum electricity price in each phase by dividing the wholeservice period into four phases. The results showed that the minimum electricity price in the firstphase is higher than the current market price of electricity, but the minimum prices in the otherphases are far less than the current market price. The analysis indicated that huge advantages ofthe RCSCPP over coal-fired power plants could be embodied in phases 2–4. In addition, thesensitivity analysis performed in this paper discovered that TNPV is very sensitive to changes inthe solar electricity price and inflation rate, but responds only slightly to changes in carboncredits price, income tax rate and interest rate of loans. Our analysis predicts that RCSCPPshave very good application prospect. Manuscript profile

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    10 - Raising Power Quality and Improving Reliability by Distribution Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2015
    In this paper, reconfiguration problem of distribution network has been investigated toimprove reliability and reduce power loss by placement of renewable energy sources; i.e. solarcell and wind turbine. For this, four reliability indices are considered in objective fun More
    In this paper, reconfiguration problem of distribution network has been investigated toimprove reliability and reduce power loss by placement of renewable energy sources; i.e. solarcell and wind turbine. For this, four reliability indices are considered in objective function;which are as follows: System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), System AverageInterruption Duration Index (SAIDI), Cost of Energy Not Supplied (CENS), and MomentaryAverage Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI). By using a novel technique, the target functionwas normalized. Simulation has been performed on IEEE 69-bus test system. A genetic algorithmcould solve this nonlinear problem. Manuscript profile

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    11 - Generation Scheduling in Large-Scale Power Systems with Wind Farms Using MICA
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2016
    The growth in demand for electric power and the rapid increase in fuel costs, in whole of theworld need to discover new energy resources for electricity production. Among of the nonconventionalresources, wind and solar energy, is known as the most promising deviceselect More
    The growth in demand for electric power and the rapid increase in fuel costs, in whole of theworld need to discover new energy resources for electricity production. Among of the nonconventionalresources, wind and solar energy, is known as the most promising deviceselectricity production in the future. In this thesis, we study follows to long-term generationscheduling of power systems in the presence of wind units considering demand responseprograms for a power generation system with the conventional structure containing 10 units ofthermal power plants, 2 units of large-scale wind farms, with regard to demand responseprograms. In this study, the model of equation order 2, used to model the cost of thermal powerplants. Due to the apparent wind farm modeling of wind speed in the months of the year has beenused the productivity of each month. For modeling the demand, response of the concept of virtualgeneration demand resources is used and production costs of the final objective function areapplied. All simulations, performed in MATLAB. The results showed that the cost of basic stateallocated more values by itself, by considering responding load would be happened the costreduction and the amount of this reduction changes with participation value and increasesamount of lower cost by increasing participation value. Manuscript profile

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    12 - Power system stability control and voltage stabilization for a wind farm based on adaptive dynamic programming
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 2 , Year , Summer 2020
    In this research, control system based on adaptive dynamic programming (GrHDP), presented for Wind farm Double-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in order to improve transient stability system under error conditions. Suggersted controller, implemented according to the inter More
    In this research, control system based on adaptive dynamic programming (GrHDP), presented for Wind farm Double-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) in order to improve transient stability system under error conditions. Suggersted controller, implemented according to the interaction between the controller and plant as a based- adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) and based on pproximation of optimal control mode. The programming and simulation provided in MATLAB soft ware and the effectiveness of the proposed approach corroborated via two cases: The first case investigates a revised four-machine two-area system with high wind penetration and a static synchronous compensator. The second case is a practical size power system with wind farm based on actual data. In addition, detailed simulation analysis and comparative studies with traditional ADP approaches presented to demonstrate the superior performance of our method. Manuscript profile

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    13 - Power Dissipation Studies and Damping of Power Fluctuations in The Presence of an IntegratedPower Dissipation Controller Using a New Algorithm
    journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2020
    The most important goal of power system operators is to provide the power required by the consumer at a constant voltage, without harmonics and with a certain frequency. The optimal situation in the production and transmission system is that this system should be able t More
    The most important goal of power system operators is to provide the power required by the consumer at a constant voltage, without harmonics and with a certain frequency. The optimal situation in the production and transmission system is that this system should be able to produce the desired power and the desired consumer. This demand is usually considered in the initial design, but over time due to changes such as: consumption growth, connection of other networks to the previous network, construction of new lines and power plants, etc., upset this balance and put some restrictions. They create power in the operation of the network. In the early days of power systems, they were relatively simple and were designed to be able to operate independently. In addition, transmission system designers have found that AC transmission systems must be controlled by devices to respond to dynamic conditions. Transmission systems were first controlled by classical power control devices under constant conditions or slow load changes and current power control and voltage changes. The dynamics of the system were performed with large stability ranges to cover the critical conditions predicted by faults, line and generator outages, and equipment faults. These factors made transmission systems less efficient and the only solution needed to power them was to build new lines. Therefore, the use of FACTS and D-FACTS devices was proposed, which solved many of the above problems and has a higher efficiency. Manuscript profile