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  • Mohammad Mehdi Sharifi Hosseini

    List of Articles Mohammad Mehdi Sharifi Hosseini

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    1 - Effect of Silage from Five Varieties of Corn Forage on Feed Intake, Digestibility, and Ruminal Parameters in Sheep
    Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2023
    In this study, the effect of silage made from five corn forage cultivars was investigated on feed intake and digestibility, and ruminal parameters in sheep. For this purpose, five Kermani rams were used with an average weight of 40.1 ± 2 kg. The experiment was co More
    In this study, the effect of silage made from five corn forage cultivars was investigated on feed intake and digestibility, and ruminal parameters in sheep. For this purpose, five Kermani rams were used with an average weight of 40.1 ± 2 kg. The experiment was conducted as a Latin square design (5×5) in five 21-day periods. Initially, 300 kg of each of the 5 corn forage varieties Dracma, Lavida, Sagunto, 704, and Korduna, silage was prepared in 90 × 45 cm plastic bags. Nearly after 60 days, the silages were evaluated. Silages were used in experimental diets with 40% corn silage, 20% dry alfalfa hay, and 40% concentrate (based on 100% dry matter). The dry matter intake (DMI) and other nutrients were not affected by the experimental diets. The digestibility of organic matter, ether extracts (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were affected by the type of silage in the experimental diets (P<0.05). The digestibility was higher in diets containing Sagunto and 704 silage than the other silages (P<0.05). The NH3-N concentrations were higher in Sagunto cultivar than the Lavida cultivar and other corn silage cultivars. The number of Holotrich and Entodinium protozoa had the highest value (P<0.05) in the ruminal fluid in the diet of Sagunto cultivar. The type of silage had no significant effect on the pH, ruminal volatile fatty acids, blood parameters and microbial protein synthesis. The Lavida silage had the lowest ADF content, but the Lavida silage diet had the lowest organic matter (OM) digestibility. Lavida silage had the lowest ADF value, but the dietary OM digestibility of this silage was the lowest. Manuscript profile