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  • Mohammad Mohammadi

    List of Articles Mohammad Mohammadi

  • Article

    1 - A Semi-Supervised Human Action Learning
    Journal of Advances in Computer Research , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2016
    Exploiting multimodal information like acceleration and heart rate is a promising method to achieve human action recognition. A semi-supervised action recognition approach AUCC (Action Understanding with Combinational Classifier) using the diversity of base classifiers More
    Exploiting multimodal information like acceleration and heart rate is a promising method to achieve human action recognition. A semi-supervised action recognition approach AUCC (Action Understanding with Combinational Classifier) using the diversity of base classifiers to create a high-quality ensemble for multimodal human action recognition is proposed in this paper. Furthermore, both labeled and unlabeled data are applied to obtain the diversity measure from multimodal human action recognition. Any classifiers can be applied by AUCC as its base classifier to create the human action recognition model, and the diversity of classifier ensemble is embedded in the error function of the model. The model’s error is decayed and back-propagated to the basic classifiers through each iteration. The basic classifiers’ weights are acquired during creation of the ensemble to guarantee the appropriate total accuracy of the model. Considerable experiments have been done during creation of the ensemble. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of the offered method and suggest its superiority of exploiting multimodal signals. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    2 - Combining Classifier Guided by Semi-Supervision
    Journal of Advances in Computer Research , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2017
    The article suggests an algorithm for regular classifier ensemble methodology. The proposed methodology is based on possibilistic aggregation to classify samples. The argued method optimizes an objective function that combines environment recognition, multi-criteria agg More
    The article suggests an algorithm for regular classifier ensemble methodology. The proposed methodology is based on possibilistic aggregation to classify samples. The argued method optimizes an objective function that combines environment recognition, multi-criteria aggregation term and a learning term. The optimization aims at learning backgrounds as solid clusters in subspaces of the high-dimensional feature-space via an unsupervised learning including an attribute discrimination component. The unsupervised clustering component assigns degree of typicality to each data pattern in order to identify and reduce the effect of noisy or outlaid data patterns. Then, the suggested technique obtains the best combination parameters for each background. The experimentations on artificial datasets and standard SONAR dataset demonstrate that our classifier ensemble does better than individual classifiers in the ensemble. Manuscript profile