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    List of Articles Kafayat Belewu

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    1 - Vegetable Production and the COVID-19 Lockdown
    International Journal Of Agricultural Science, Research And Technology In Extension And Education Systems , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2023
    Due to various policies measures to curtail the virus, one of which was lockdown, the occurrence of COVID-19 had a negative impact on the nation's economy, especially the rural smallholder farmers. The study looked into how Covid-19 lockdowns affected Nigerian vegetable More
    Due to various policies measures to curtail the virus, one of which was lockdown, the occurrence of COVID-19 had a negative impact on the nation's economy, especially the rural smallholder farmers. The study looked into how Covid-19 lockdowns affected Nigerian vegetable production. Descriptive statistics, budgetary approaches, multiple regression analysis, and a Likert scale were all used for the analysis. The findings show that most of vegetable growers in the research region were married women (88.33%). About 70% of respondents have completed at least their primary education. The multiple regression analysis results disclosed that number of extensions contact, farm size, market access and transportation cost were significantly affected the level of vegetable production with positive sign while household size had a negative effect on the vegetable production. The findings also showed that after the COVID-19 lockdown, vegetable production was extremely profitable in the study area, with an average gross margin of 82,836.04 that was statistically higher than the 60,709.97 gross margin generated from vegetable production during COVID-19 and the 71,234.91 gross margin generated prior to COVID-19. The constraints faced by vegetable farmers during the covid – 19 restrictions include: high cost of transportation, price fluctuation, and high cost of input, perishability of the produce and lack of improved seeds. It was concluded that Covid 19 pandemic has greater effect on vegetable production in the study areas Manuscript profile

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    2 - Rice Farmers' Technical Efficiency and Level of Poverty: Evidence from the Anchor Borrower Program (ABP)
    International Journal Of Agricultural Science, Research And Technology In Extension And Education Systems , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2023
    To avoid the moribund path of most of the earlier implemented agricultural-based interventions in Nigeria. Anchor Borrowers’ program was introduced to contribute meaningfully to the economy. The study investigated on rice farmers’ technical efficiency and le More
    To avoid the moribund path of most of the earlier implemented agricultural-based interventions in Nigeria. Anchor Borrowers’ program was introduced to contribute meaningfully to the economy. The study investigated on rice farmers’ technical efficiency and level of poverty in Nigeria: Evidence from the Anchor borrower program. Primary data were analyzed using Descriptive analysis, Gini coefficient, Stochastic production Frontier model, Regression analysis, and Vulnerability Index. Evidence from the result revealed that the average yield per hectare of paddy rice for the beneficiaries (70%) majorly was 4500 kg while non-beneficiaries (52%) was 3500kg. The production function showed that the coefficient of regression for herbicides, seed and fertilizer was positively significant at 5% and %, respectively. The factors that influencing technical inefficiency (farm organization, farm size, farm experience and ABP loan) were found to be negatively significant. The logistic regression model estimate revealed that factors influence loan acquisitions of respondents include: (farm organization, extension agent visit, age of household, and farm size) which were positively statistically significant and this is important in explaining ABP credit acquisition access among households. The results of the Gini coefficient also indicated that income inequality was higher in ABP beneficiaries than non-beneficiaries. Vulnerability index results showed that ABP non-beneficiaries were more vulnerable to poverty than beneficiaries. Additionally, the non-beneficiaries have a poorer population than beneficiaries. However, these results indicate that the Anchor borrower program has a positive impact on beneficiaries’ welfare. Manuscript profile