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    1 - The Effect of Classroom-Based Assessment on Iranian EFL Learners Writing Self-Reflection Strategies: Scenario-Based Assessment Model vs Dialogue Journal Writing
    Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice , Upcoming Articles
    Self-reflection as a crucial human activity involves assessing experiences and developing strategies to tackle challenges in language instruction and acquisition. It can be pursued through several methods. This study seeks to implement scenario-based assessment (SBA) More
    Self-reflection as a crucial human activity involves assessing experiences and developing strategies to tackle challenges in language instruction and acquisition. It can be pursued through several methods. This study seeks to implement scenario-based assessment (SBA) model and dialogue journal writing (DJW) in an entire process to examine their impact on enhancing the writing self-reflection strategies of Iranian EFL learners. To achieve this objective, 60 EFL learners were selected through convenience sampling. These participants were then randomly divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The first experimental group underwent treatment using a SBA model, while the second experimental group followed the requirements of treatment through a DJW model. The control group, on the other hand, received instruction using a traditional teacher-centered method. Both the experimental groups and the control group underwent pre-test and post-test assessments to evaluate their writing performance. The gathered data were analyzed using MANCOVA and the findings revealed that the SBA group outperformed the DJW and control groups in terms of improving their writing self-reflection strategies.This study's results offer more evidence to show the positive impact of using a SBA design on the writing self-reflection skills of Iranian EFL learners as a whole. The study showed that the SBA approach had a greater impact on improving engagement in self-reflection and insight. The findings of this study suggest that SBA can generate higher levels of assistance and function to create a successful pedagogical tool as well as an assessment device for classroom teachers, experts, and parties involved. Manuscript profile