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    List of Articles Mohammad Rastegar

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    1 - Enhancement of the Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in One- Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Adjustable Spatial Configuration
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2019
    We studied magnetophotonic crystals (MPCs) with introduced magnetic
    defect layer sandwiched between magnetic and dielectric Bragg mirrors. These
    magnetophotonic crystals have excellent capabilities to enhance reflection and Kerr
    rotation simultaneously. B More
    We studied magnetophotonic crystals (MPCs) with introduced magnetic
    defect layer sandwiched between magnetic and dielectric Bragg mirrors. These
    magnetophotonic crystals have excellent capabilities to enhance reflection and Kerr
    rotation simultaneously. By adjusting spatial configuration such as repetition numbers
    of Bragg mirrors and thickness of magnetic defect layer, we achieved the Kerr rotation
    angles more than 75˚ and reflection very close to 1. We briefly described the
    formulation of finite element method (FEM) and transfer matrix method (TMM). The
    electric field distribution and magnitude of it along the MPCs are simulated using FEM.
    Using the TMM, we calculated the MO responses of MPCs. With light localization
    inside the magnetic defect layer and multiple reflections in it, the magneto-optical (MO)
    responses of these MPCs were significantly increased. The studied structures in this
    research have high MO responses that make it suitable for designing MO elements in
    highly sensitive devices and optical telecommunication tools. Manuscript profile