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    List of Articles مرضیه اسدی

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    1 - Eco-Village and Climatic Design
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2012
    Eco village design is a new field of knowledge still under development. It will be the physical manifestationof the unfolding of the ecovillage dream held by so many. It is generally agreed that concept of sustainability should playan increasing role in future urban dev More
    Eco village design is a new field of knowledge still under development. It will be the physical manifestationof the unfolding of the ecovillage dream held by so many. It is generally agreed that concept of sustainability should playan increasing role in future urban development world-wide. In order to ensure ecological sustainability, cities around theworld have to decrease their environmental footprint. In this article, will try to find some principles of designing eco-villagesin Iran that have less environmental footprint. Two aspects are important in this regard: the decrease of energy consumptionand the decrease of waste products and its subsequent management. The concept of eco-village, despite having arguablylimited influence, does have the potential to serve as an alternative urban model. As relatively small experimentalcommunities, eco-villages are in the position to explore and apply novel solutions, the necessity of which is evident in theglobal concern for sustainability. Valuable practical lessons can be provided in the current for suitable urban development.In this article, some eco-villages around the world have been compared with each other and will suggested some solutionsfor designing eco-villages in Iran. Manuscript profile

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    2 - An Investigation on Elements Creating Sense of Place in Historical Site of Babol
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2012
    The body of residential complexes is affected by social interactions between residents over time. Of the mostimportant places for social communications are bazaars as the backbone of Iranian cities. Ancient bazaar of Babol in north ofIran contains natural features which More
    The body of residential complexes is affected by social interactions between residents over time. Of the mostimportant places for social communications are bazaars as the backbone of Iranian cities. Ancient bazaar of Babol in north ofIran contains natural features which makes a special sense of place. This essay tries to answer to how concept of sense of placeis presented and what are factors affecting on sense of place; in historical site of Babol. Theoretical study of essay is based onInterpretive and qualitative approach through written documentaries. In this way first; the concept of sense of place is reviewed.After an explanation about the bazaar and the city, important features defining the site and their relations are analyzed throughphenomenological approach. Then symbolic elements are identified and classified in fixed, semi-fixed and non-fixed featureelements, and their role on creating a Sense of Place is investigated. Any of fixed feature elements of the studied area like doors,columns, roofs, windows and doorways, transfer significant architectural qualities. Semi-fixed feature elements containingwooden elements, roofs, furniture, symbolic inscriptions, hung lights and plants; make a sense of dependency and safety. Nonfixedfeature elements containing peddlers, voices, odors and climatic conditions depend on activities in place, prove the existenceof human and modify a personal territory or place-behavior .Existence of these elements in the environment not only gives us anexperience of sociality and public activity; but they also create a sense of presence and dependency or sense of place. Manuscript profile