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    List of Articles saeed yazdani

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    1 - بررسی اشعار فروغ فرخزاد از منظر نظریه های «نگاه خیره» و «مرحلۀ آینه» لاکان
    Interpretation and Analysis of Persian Language and Literature Texts (Dehkhoda) , Issue 1 , Year , Summer 2021
    ژاک لاکان (Jacques Lacan) در نظریه مرحلۀ آینه، بر نقش اساسی تصویر آینه در رشد روان شخص تاکید می کند. او به اهمیتی که تصویر آینه ای در هویت اجتماعی و زبانی فرد دارد اشاره می کند. مفهوم دیگری که در این مقاله مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد نگاه خیره است که با نظریۀ لاکان دربا More
    ژاک لاکان (Jacques Lacan) در نظریه مرحلۀ آینه، بر نقش اساسی تصویر آینه در رشد روان شخص تاکید می کند. او به اهمیتی که تصویر آینه ای در هویت اجتماعی و زبانی فرد دارد اشاره می کند. مفهوم دیگری که در این مقاله مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد نگاه خیره است که با نظریۀ لاکان درباره مرحلۀآینه پیوند دارد. از نظر لاکان نگاه خیره مرد بر نگاه خیره زن برتری دارد. نگاه خیرۀ مرد با زن به عنوان اُبژه ای که جایگاه پایین تری دارد، برخورد می کند. در مقالۀ حاضر، نویسنده سعی کرده است با استفاده از روش توصیف و تحلیل محتوا، نظریۀ لاکانی نگاه خیره و مرحلۀ آینه را در اشعار فروغ فرخزاد مورد بررسی قرار دهد. اشعار فروغ بازتابی از احساسات و تفکرات او است، لذا این مقاله می تواند زمینه مهمی را برای گسترش رویکرد لاکانی بر اشعار فروغ فراهم سازد. پرسش اصلی تحقیق این است که چگونه می توان به ارتباط بین نگاه خیره و مرحلۀ آینه لاکانی با اشعار فروغ پی برد. یافته ها بر این موضوع دلالت می کنند که فروغ قصد داشته است از طریق اشعارش هویتی را که جامعه و سنت ادبی برای او و زنان دیگر در نظر گرفته است به چالش بکشاند؛ او قصد داشت به خود واقعی برسد. به همین منظور، او توانست بخوبی از آینه به عنوان استعاره استفاده کند و مانند بسیاری از شعرای مدرن، از تصویر آینه و نگاه خیره حاصل از آن، ذهنیت زنانه و بحران هویتی خودش را به تصویر بکشاند. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Tracking Modifications of Iranian EFL Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs in Interaction between a Pre-Service Teacher Training Program and Teaching Practices
    Research in English Language Pedagogy , Issue 27 , Year , Spring 2024
    Recently, the sources of teachers’ beliefs and modifications in their beliefs have received special attention; therefore, this longitudinal study investigated Iranian EFL teachers’ pedagogical beliefs. The study attempted to track possible alterations in pedagogical bel More
    Recently, the sources of teachers’ beliefs and modifications in their beliefs have received special attention; therefore, this longitudinal study investigated Iranian EFL teachers’ pedagogical beliefs. The study attempted to track possible alterations in pedagogical beliefs after participating in a two-year teacher training program and following teaching practices. Through convenient sampling, the researchers selected 24 Iranian EFL teacher students who had teaching experiences of 3-10 years at Islamic Azad University; Shiraz Branch. They collected the required data through a teacher belief questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The results of both quantitative and qualitative data indicated that teaching practices made a unique influence on the modifications in teachers’ pedagogical beliefs. In other words, the results emphasized the power of teaching practice in any modification in teachers’ beliefs over theoretical teaching. These findings have important implications for teacher educators who seek to modify teachers’ beliefs during teacher training programs. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Reflexive Metadiscourse Markers in Academic Interviews: A Frequency and Functional Study
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2022
    There are two different trends for the study of metadiscourse, including interactive and reflexive. The reflexive model suggested by (Mauranen, 1993) and (Ädel, 2010) cares about reflexivity in language. As reflexivity plays a pivotal role in spoken genres, this st More
    There are two different trends for the study of metadiscourse, including interactive and reflexive. The reflexive model suggested by (Mauranen, 1993) and (Ädel, 2010) cares about reflexivity in language. As reflexivity plays a pivotal role in spoken genres, this study aimed to study the frequency and functions of reflexive metadiscourse markers in academic interviews. Hence, this study focused on a corpus of three academic interviews carried out in English native academic context that was taken from “The Michigan Corpus of Academe Spoken English” (MICASE). The corpus was analyzed using the model by Ädel that includes four functional categories of metalinguistic comments, discourse organization, speech act labels, and references to the audiences. The results showed that about one-quarter of the personal pronouns were metadiscourse. Besides, among the personal pronouns that perform metadiscourse function, singular first-person pronoun was the most frequent while plural first-person pronoun was very rare. It was also found that among the four functions, the interviewees and interviewers paid more attention to metalinguistic comments and references to the audience. The results of this study could add to the knowledge of those participating in interviews in general and in the academic context in particular. Manuscript profile

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    4 - Effect of Interventionist Computerized Dynamic Assessment on Learners’ Grammatical English Tenses: Analysis of Cake and Sandwich Formats
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2020
    The present mixed-method study sought to investigate the efficacy of using an interventionist dynamic assessment and specifically its formats namely the cake and the sandwich ones on learners’ grammatical English Tenses. In doing so, 45 advanced learners of Englis More
    The present mixed-method study sought to investigate the efficacy of using an interventionist dynamic assessment and specifically its formats namely the cake and the sandwich ones on learners’ grammatical English Tenses. In doing so, 45 advanced learners of English language at Iran Language Institute (ILI) in Shiraz, Iran were selected. They were randomly assigned to 3 groups, each including 15 participants. Two experimental groups namely the cake and the sandwich ones received the interventionist dynamic assessment test while the third group received a non-dynamic grammar test which was functioning as a control group. As the study utilized a sequential exploratory design (QUAN → qual) of mixed method approach (MMR), the quantitative part was carried out via a well-established grammar test and in the qualitative component, six informants (3 from the cake group and 3 from the sandwich group) were selected to be interviewed and their quotations were descriptively analyzed through a sociocultural perspective. The quantitative component of the study revealed the outperformance of the two experimental group over the control group. However, the two modes of delivering mediation in experimental groups had no statistically significant difference on the degree of the acquisition of grammatical English tenses by learners. The interview analysis of the negotiations also demonstrated positive viewpoints of learners about the two experimental groups. Merging the quantitative and qualitative analyses, the study found that interventionist dynamic assessment, in both modes, could have positive effects on learners’ ability to improve their acquisition of English tenses. Manuscript profile

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    5 - بررسی و تحلیل اطلاعات «شیوه»، «مسیر» و «حرکت» در زبان مازندرانی از دیدگاه زبان‌شناسی شناختی
    Journal of Iranian Regional Languages and Literature , Issue 35 , Year , Spring 2022
    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی الگوها و نیز الگوی غالب برای توزیع اطلاعات مربوط به شیوه، مسیر و حرکت در زبان مازندرانی از دیدگاه زبان‌شناسی شناختی است. داده ها از طریق مصاحبه و گفتگو با پانزده گویشور بومی‌زبان مازندرانیِ بالای پنجاه سال، گردآوری و ثبت و ضبط گردید. ضمن این‌که ی More
    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی الگوها و نیز الگوی غالب برای توزیع اطلاعات مربوط به شیوه، مسیر و حرکت در زبان مازندرانی از دیدگاه زبان‌شناسی شناختی است. داده ها از طریق مصاحبه و گفتگو با پانزده گویشور بومی‌زبان مازندرانیِ بالای پنجاه سال، گردآوری و ثبت و ضبط گردید. ضمن این‌که یکی از نگارندگان، خود گویشور این زبان است. جهت گفتگو و مصاحبه تلاش شد بر موقعیت‌ها و بافت‌هایی تمرکز گردد که امکان وقوع رویداد حرکت در آن ها زیاد باشد. سپس داده های گفتاری ضبط‌‌ شده، به‌صورت نوشتاری بازنمایی شد. در تحلیل معنای افعال، تنها روی معنای صریح و فیزیکی تمرکز شد و از پرداختن به معنای استعاری، مجازی و ضمنی خودداری گردید. سپس، براساس معیارهای تالمی (2000ب)، به بررسی و تحلیل داده‌ها پرداخته شد. نتایج حاصل از داده‌ها نشان می‌دهد که شش الگوی واژگانی شدگی در زبان مازندرانی وجود دارد. از دیگر نتایج پژوهش این است که نمی توان الگوی غالبی برای توزیع اطلاعات مربوط به شیوه و مسیر در زبان مازندرانی تعیین کرد؛ زیرا افعال حرکتی مازندرانی تقریباً به یک میزان این اطلاعات را واژگانی می‌کنند. Manuscript profile

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    6 - Transitional Problems in Iranian EFL Learners' Writing Process: A Think-Aloud Protocol Study
    Journal of Language and Translation , Issue 3 , Year , Summer 2024
    The current study aimed to examine the process of choosing linking words and solving transitional problems in written tasks. To this end, 30 EFL learners (15 males and 15 females) from one language institute in Bushehr were selected for this study. They were asked More
    The current study aimed to examine the process of choosing linking words and solving transitional problems in written tasks. To this end, 30 EFL learners (15 males and 15 females) from one language institute in Bushehr were selected for this study. They were asked to write an argumentative and a narrative task. To collect the data, Articulated Thoughts in a Simulated Situation (ATSS), as a think-aloud protocol, was employed. The participants' verbalizations were first recorded, then transcribed and analyzed to examine the cognitive process they engaged in during the completion of their tasks. The results of qualitative data analysis revealed that EFL learners often tended to organize their ideas and have a general plan for the written tasks. More specifically, they differed in terms of attention to different stages of writing, hesitations to monitor the information and various strategies for choosing linking words and problem-solving. This study discusses the results and implications for EFL learners and teachers. Manuscript profile

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    7 - Nomadology in Cormac McCarthy's The Crossing and The Road: The Deleuzian Geocritical Study
    International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research , Issue 3 , Year , Autumn 2024
    In the present essay, the researchers aim at studying two famous novels "The Crossing" and "The Road" in the light of Deleuzian geocritical concepts such as: nomad, rhizome, smooth space, and war machine. Studying space and place in American literature is a new trend. S More
    In the present essay, the researchers aim at studying two famous novels "The Crossing" and "The Road" in the light of Deleuzian geocritical concepts such as: nomad, rhizome, smooth space, and war machine. Studying space and place in American literature is a new trend. Space and landscape, considered as smooth space and striated space in Deleuze and Guattari's nomadology, are significantly highlighted in American literature. By drawing on Deleuze and Guattari's view of rhizome, which does not follow any plans or structures, the novel can be regarded as a rhizomatic structure in which the characters with nomadic existence move freely in a smooth space- a space without an explicit beginning and a clear destination. Portraying American space and landscape is a dominant theme in Cormac McCarthy's novels, including "The Crossing" and "The Road", in which the characters move from a rooted life to a nomadic life. Through examining these two novels, this paper is going to investigate the movement of nomadic characters in the smooth space of the postmodern world. Moreover, through exploring the relationship between literature, space, and identity, drawing on the philosophical ideas of Deleuz and Guatari, this paper is going to expose in what extent the representation of spaces in literature can reflect and shape cultural and national identities. Manuscript profile