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    1 - The Social Impact of the Architectural Components of Safavid Bridges in Isfahan (Case S‌tudy: Khaju and Allahverdi Khan Bridges)
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2021
    The target bridges in this s‌tudy were cons‌tructed during the Safavid era in Isfahan city and are considered as one of the mos‌t important components of the urban s‌tructure; during his‌tory. They have shown various functions in addition to their role as a connecting r More
    The target bridges in this s‌tudy were cons‌tructed during the Safavid era in Isfahan city and are considered as one of the mos‌t important components of the urban s‌tructure; during his‌tory. They have shown various functions in addition to their role as a connecting route, which has varied from individual scale to collective spaces over time. This research s‌tudy is trying to find out the architectural components affecting the public presence in these urban buildings, specifically in two bridges called, Allahverdi Khan (Si-o-se-pol) and Khajoo bridge in the contemporary era, to see if they would correspond the needs of today’s urban residents.To get this aim, the qualitative research approach was adopted based on an interview framework. To answer the ques‌tions was arranged based on three functional, physical, and s‌tructural aspects of these bridges, and a significant result was achieved by applying qualitative content analysis. The architectural components influencing the public presence were included eight general components and sub-components. These items were either in line with or opposite to each other, including the social functions and the contemporary space of bridges, the bridges’ cultural and physical s‌tructure, the shaping context of the bridges and the memorability of them, the environmental psychology and the related aes‌thetics aspects. According to the content analysis outcomes, a functional review of the space of these bridges in the future can lead to the qualitative improvement of architecture and space of them. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Recognition the Sociological and Architectural Components based on Geographical Segmentation Technique by Value-normative Paradigm
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2016
    A house, as a primary dwelling is designed according to life style and current values in the life and mind of Residents. House is a cultural element, containing cultural meanings situated in the spirit of a house, distinguish the form of other houses. Special life style More
    A house, as a primary dwelling is designed according to life style and current values in the life and mind of Residents. House is a cultural element, containing cultural meanings situated in the spirit of a house, distinguish the form of other houses. Special life style and conduct of residents becomes value through time. This value organizes the meaning in the mind and determines meaning of life and appropriate physical space. In this paper, we have tried to study theories of a philosopher concerning meaning issue and meaning ontology, and meaning of life, and then, present components to evaluation the meaning in historical houses of Mazandaran. Indexes and questionnaire were used through the components. Six historical houses were selected to evaluate, filled by ten specialists for each house. This paper describes the theoretical framework by qualitative research approach and analysis method. It assesses qualitative components to quantitative components, based on the evidences and documents. Then, it provides reliable criteria. Research achievement presents the solution to design temporary houses based on linkage of meaning and form. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Classroom Lighting Control Systems and Level of Energy Consumption, Tehran, Iran
    International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2016
    Buildings play an important role in the energy demand sector. Due to the increase of environmentalconcerns and renewable energy sources restriction, lighting control systems will play an important role in the reductionof energy consumption of the lighting without impedi More
    Buildings play an important role in the energy demand sector. Due to the increase of environmentalconcerns and renewable energy sources restriction, lighting control systems will play an important role in the reductionof energy consumption of the lighting without impeding comfort goals. Lighting control systems can control lightingconsumption according to the type of building, adequate luminance, occupation time, scheduled time etc. Better lightingnot only can reduce the energy consumption of a room, it can improve the quality of work from its occupants. Themain aim of the project is to determine the energy saved by using different artificial lighting control systems and findthe best one. Honeybee plug-in for grasshopper in a space as a classroom simulated six different systems in this articleand electricity, cooling and heating energy consumption for these systems were compared. Results show that “Autodimming with switch off occupancy sensor” has the best annual operation and it saves eight times more electricityenergy than the worst system which is the traditional “Always on during active occupancy sensor”. Considering thermalenergy consumption also proves the priority of occupancy and daylight dimming system. Selecting a suitable lightingcontrol system in initial steps of design or after construction is very affordable and increases environment quality. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    4 - منطق اجتماعی فضا در مسکن بومی قاجار اصفهان
    Urban Sociological Studies , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2021
    فرهنگ عاملی تاثیرگذار بر شکل رفتاری هر جامعه است؛ که نمود آن را می‌توان در پیکره‌بندی شهر و به دنبال آن در ساختار فضایی هر بنا مشاهده نمود. در این راستا بازخوانی الگوهای پیشین و تسری آن به فضای اجتماعی امروز می‌تواند نقش مهمی در تقویت هویت اجتماعی ایفا نماید. یکی از شیو More
    فرهنگ عاملی تاثیرگذار بر شکل رفتاری هر جامعه است؛ که نمود آن را می‌توان در پیکره‌بندی شهر و به دنبال آن در ساختار فضایی هر بنا مشاهده نمود. در این راستا بازخوانی الگوهای پیشین و تسری آن به فضای اجتماعی امروز می‌تواند نقش مهمی در تقویت هویت اجتماعی ایفا نماید. یکی از شیوه‌های این داده‌کاوی نحو فضاست که با کشف روابط ریاضی در ارتباطات فضایی می‌تواند معیاری برای سنجش و ارزیابی مطلوبیت فضا فراهم آورد. از سویی مسکن و سکونت به عنوان یکی از اساسی‌ترین نیاز‌های انسان و جامعه‌ بشری به عنوان یکی از مهم‌ترین اشکال سازماندهی اجتماعی فضاست که با کمی تامل در مسکن امروز و مبانی پیوند آن با شهر، می‌توان دریافت پاسخ فراخوری به آن داده نشده و مفهوم آن به سرپناهی صرف تقلیل یافته است. در این پژوهش ضمن معرفی رویکرد اسپیس سینتکس، به تحلیل مفهوم عمق در مسکن بومی قاجار اصفهان پرداخته شده که ارتباط مستقیمی با قلمروهای فضایی، ترکیب و تعیین فضاهای خصوصی و عمومی، سلسله مراتب فضایی و محرمیت دارد. روش به کار گرفته شده در این پژوهش، توصیفی- تحلیلی و در قالب قیاس تطبیقی می‌باشد؛ که برای کمی کردن آن از افزونه گرس‌هاپر و اسپیس‌سینتکس بهره گرفته شده است. نتایج به دست آمده حیاط را -به عنوان فضای واسط درون و بیرون در پیکره‌بندی شهری- به عنوان عمومی‌ترین فضا و دارای بیشترین ارتباط فضایی و فضاهای خدماتی (انبار، سرویس‌های بهداشتی، پلکان و راهروها) را با کمترین ارتباط و به عنوان خصوصی‌ترین فضاها معرفی می‌نماید. همچنین راهروها و مفصل‌های ارتباطی، به نسبت اتاق‌ها از میزان هم‌پیوندی و ارتباط بیشتر و عمق کمتری برخوردار می‌باشند. این در حالی است که ارزش عمق در فضای باز حیاط در دوران معاصر کاهش یافته است که نشان دهنده حذف سلسله مراتب فضایی دسترسی و محرمیت فضایی در ارتباط با فضای شهری می‌باشد. Manuscript profile