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    1 - بررسی بیان ژنBCL9دربیماران مبتلا به سرطان کولورکتال
    Applied Biology , Issue 4 , Year , Winter 2016
    مقدمه:سرطان کولورکتال سومین سرطان شایع درمردان ودومین سرطان شایع درزنان دنیاونیزدومین عامل مرگ ومیر ناشی ازمیان سرطان های دنیا می باشد.میزان شیوع آن درآسیا به سرعت روبه افزایش است طوریکه سالانه1.2میلیون نفربه سرطان کولورکتال مبتلاوبیش ازنیمی ازاین مبتلایان می میرند.در ا More
    مقدمه:سرطان کولورکتال سومین سرطان شایع درمردان ودومین سرطان شایع درزنان دنیاونیزدومین عامل مرگ ومیر ناشی ازمیان سرطان های دنیا می باشد.میزان شیوع آن درآسیا به سرعت روبه افزایش است طوریکه سالانه1.2میلیون نفربه سرطان کولورکتال مبتلاوبیش ازنیمی ازاین مبتلایان می میرند.در ایران نیز طی30سال اخیر میزان شیوع سرطان کولورکتال درمردان بیش از50%و در زنان کمی کمتر ازآن می باشدوسن مبتلایان اکثراً بالای50سال است.دراین مطالعه بمنظور شناسایی ژنهای دخیل درایجادCRC،به بررسی بیان ژنBCL9 در بیماران مبتلا به سرطان کولورکتال پرداخته شد. موادوروش:دراین تحقیق از40بیمار مبتلا به سرطان کولورکتال با تکمیل رضایتنامه وپرسشنامه کتبی، نمونه بافت تازه تهیه شد.سپس mRNAآنها استخراج وسنتزcDNAانجام شد.سپس باپرایمرهای اختصاصی برای ژنهایBCL9وB-actin،آزمایش نیمه کمیRT-PCRانجام شد.نتایج:نتایج این مطالعه نشان داددرتمامی نمونه های توموری باند مربوط به ژنcl9 مشاهده میشود درحالیکه درنمونه های نرمال یا باندی مشاهده نشدویااینکه باندبسیارضعیفی قابل مشاهده بود.دراین مطالعه،21مرد(52.5%)و19 زن(47.5%) با میانگین سنی 10±56.1 سال شرکت کردند و 77.5% ایشان (31 نفر) بالاتر از 50 سال سن داشتند. از نظر فاکتور T ، 96.5% بیماران دارای T2 و T3 بودند (P=0.025) و از لحاظ فاکتور N، در 48.3% بیماران تهاجم به غدد لنفاوی مشاهده شد و 22.5% بیماران متاستاز را نشان دادند P=0.013)). بحث: دراین مطالعه بیان ژنBCL9 در نمونه های توموری افزایش 3.5 برابری نسبت به نمونه های نرمال داشت. میتوان گفت ژنBCL9 می تواند ، بعنوان یکی از ژن های دخیل درسرطان کولورکتال عمل کند که با برخی از ژنها مثل TCF،LEF،B-catenin،Pygo برهمکنش دارد. Manuscript profile

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    2 - تنش سرما و اثر آن بر سنتز هورمون اسید آبسیزیک از طریق بررسی بیان ژن و تغییرات آنتی‌اکسیدان‌های غیرآنزیمی گوجه فرنگی (Solanum lycopersicum 'Red Cloud)
    Journal of Plant Environmental Physiology , Issue 2 , Year , Summer 2019
    گوجه‌فرنگی یکی از محصولات عمده کشاورزی در رده‌ی محصولات زراعی است که در بسیاری از کشورهای جهان و همچنین ایران از جنبه‌های مختلف دارای اهمیت می‌باشد. در این تحقیق تحت تنش سرما به بیان ژن SlNCED1در مسیر بیوسنتز هورمون آبسیزیک اسید به روش Real-Time qRT-PCR و اندازه‌گیری بر More
    گوجه‌فرنگی یکی از محصولات عمده کشاورزی در رده‌ی محصولات زراعی است که در بسیاری از کشورهای جهان و همچنین ایران از جنبه‌های مختلف دارای اهمیت می‌باشد. در این تحقیق تحت تنش سرما به بیان ژن SlNCED1در مسیر بیوسنتز هورمون آبسیزیک اسید به روش Real-Time qRT-PCR و اندازه‌گیری برخی خواص فیزیولوژیکی پرداخته شده است. بدین‌منظور پس از میوه‌دهی، بوته‌ها به‌مدت 12 و 24 ساعت در دمای 2 و 4 درجه‌ سانتی‌گراد قرار گرفتند. پس از این مدت میوه‌ها جهت سنجش آنتی اکسیدان‌های غیرآنزیمی به روش DPPD و فنل کل به روش فولین سیکالتو و بیان ژن جدا شدند. نتایج حاکی از آن بود که بیشترین میزان بیان ژن SlNCED1مربوط به دمای 4 درجه به‌ترتیب در ساعات 24 و12 بود. همچنین نتایج آنالیز مقایسه میانگین نشان داد که فعالیت معنی دار آنتی اکسیدان وفنل کل در دمای 2درجه و 12 ساعت اتفاق افتاد. به‌طورکلی می‌توان گفت که از آنجایی که گوجه فرنگی رد کلود متعلق به نواحی گرمسیری است لذا در دماهای پایین‌تر از 12 درجه‌ سانتی‌گراد دچار تنش سرمایی شده و متعاقب آن تغییرات بیان ژن‌ها و آنتی اکسیدان‌ها را جهت حفاظت از خود در برابر تنش ایجاد می‌کند. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Selenium enhances nutrient uptake and rosmarinic acid biosynthesis in Melissa officinalis L. under salinity stress
    Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2020
    Salt stress is a serious problem facing plant growth and development. Selenium (Se) could improve plant growth and reduced stress. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine whether the Se application could alleviate salinity stress negative effects on Melissa offici More
    Salt stress is a serious problem facing plant growth and development. Selenium (Se) could improve plant growth and reduced stress. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine whether the Se application could alleviate salinity stress negative effects on Melissa officinalis L. Different salinity levels in this research were control (0), 50, 100 and 200 mM. Simultaneously, sodium selenate (Se) (0 and 50 mg L-1) was applied. Salinity showed adverse effects on different plant growth parameters as well as pigment content. Se at 50 mg L-1 increased the vegetative growth of M. officinalis plants under different salinity levels. Salt induced oxidative stress conditions by increasing malondialdehyde and proline content, and Se foliar spraying enhanced antioxidative enzyme activity such as superoxide dismutase and catalase. Compared with the control group, selenium accumulation in shoot and root significantly increased with Se levels increment. Selenium application increased N, Ca, K, and Mn accumulation. The foliar spray of Se increased Rosmarinic acid compared to salt and non-salt treated plants. It is concluded that the application of Se can mitigate salt stress damages on M. officinalis plants and enhanced mineral uptake. Manuscript profile

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    4 - Molecular and biochemical protective roles of sodium nitroprusside in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) under salt stress
    Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2020
    Salinity stresses act as inhibitor factors of plant growth. They can change the physiological characteristics and limit the production of crops. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is a stable free radical which use as a signalling molecule in plants and participates in various More
    Salinity stresses act as inhibitor factors of plant growth. They can change the physiological characteristics and limit the production of crops. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is a stable free radical which use as a signalling molecule in plants and participates in various plant’s physiological, biochemical and molecular processes and also in plant’s responses to environmental stresses. We investigated the effect of SNP on physiological parameters such as photosynthetic and non-enzymatic pigments, biochemical like APX and SOD enzymes and HKT1.2 and SLWRKY 8 genes expression as a molecular section on tomato under salt stress. In this study, SNP was used as nitric oxide (NO) donor. Tomato seedlings roots were subjected to various levels of salinity including 0, 40, 80 and 120 mM and SNP (0, 50 and 100 mM) for 20 days. The SNP had protective effects on photosynthetic parameters by increase in non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants. It had also decrease and additive effect in HKT1.2 and SLWRKY 8 genes expression respectively. Manuscript profile

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    5 - Roles of ascorbic acid on physiological, biochemical and molecular system of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. against salt stress
    Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2020
    Tomato is one of the important plants in the world as a food, medicine etc. it is sensitive to abiotic stresses and its crop is affected by them. Moreover, Ascorbic acid (AsA) is one of the universal of plant defence mechanism against the stresses specially salinity and More
    Tomato is one of the important plants in the world as a food, medicine etc. it is sensitive to abiotic stresses and its crop is affected by them. Moreover, Ascorbic acid (AsA) is one of the universal of plant defence mechanism against the stresses specially salinity and drought to scavenger’s reactive oxygen species. According to global warming and scarcity of water resources, subsequently drying and salinization of soils; we need to investigation of AsA effects in tomato under salinity stress. In this context, effects of ascorbic acid and salinity stress on some of physiological parameters, key enzymes including SOD, APX and expression of LeNHX1 and SIERF16 genes that involved in antioxidant system were studied in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. plants in hydroponic conditions. Our results showed that the Ascorbic acid treatments were increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and improved physiological parameters such as lipid peroxidation and Na+/K+ contents of tomato under salt stress via increases of LeNHX1 and SIERF16 genes expression. Manuscript profile

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    6 - Evaluation Effects of Verapamil as a Calcium Channel Blocker on Acquisition, Consolidation and Retrieval of Memory in Mice
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , Issue 4 , Year , Spring 2015
       Many factors are involved in learning and memory processes including brain nuclei, neurotransmitter systems, and the activity of ion channels. Studies showed inconsistent effects of calcium channel blockers on learning process, especially memory consolidation; ho More
       Many factors are involved in learning and memory processes including brain nuclei, neurotransmitter systems, and the activity of ion channels. Studies showed inconsistent effects of calcium channel blockers on learning process, especially memory consolidation; however, little is known about their effect on memory acquisition and retrieval. Accordingly, the present study aimed to determine the effects of verapamil calcium channel antagonist as a representative of the phenylalkylamine group on different stages of memory and learning processes including acquisition, consolidation and retrieval in mice. In this experimental study, 150 male albino mice with a mean weight of 30 g were used. The mice were trained in a passive avoidance-learning task (1 mA shock for 2 seconds for evaluation of memory acquisition and consolidation and 3 seconds for evaluation of memory retrieval). The effect of verapamil (1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mg/kg) on memory consolidation and the most effective dose of consolidation phase on memory acquisition and retrieval was assessed. For the evaluation of memory consolidation, the animals received the drug intraperitoneally immediately after training, while for evaluation of memory acquisition and retrieval, the drug was injected one hour before training. Memory retrieval test was performed 48 hours after training (the length of time it took the animal to enter the dark part of the device). The results showed that verapamil injection exerted no effect on memory acquisition and consolidation; nevertheless, it was capable to disrupt memory retrieval in 10 and 20 mg doses. These results indicate that as a phenylalkylamine calcium channel antagonist, high doses of verapamil can impair memory.  Manuscript profile

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    7 - Relationship of Sodium Nitroprusside with Growth and Antioxidant Enzymes of Canola under Lead Stress
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2020
    Lead is a toxic heavy-metal pollutant which is hazardous to human health and the environment. Sodium nitroprusside is commonly used as a nitric oxide donor in plants. Nitric oxide is a bioactive molecule playing an important role in response to stress in plants. Weight, More
    Lead is a toxic heavy-metal pollutant which is hazardous to human health and the environment. Sodium nitroprusside is commonly used as a nitric oxide donor in plants. Nitric oxide is a bioactive molecule playing an important role in response to stress in plants. Weight, chlorophyll content, and the activity of catalase (EC 1.11.1. 6) and peroxidase (EC 1.11.1. 7) antioxidant enzymes of canola (Brassica napus L.) Hyola 401 in lead stress were investigated. This study tested the hypothesis that sodium nitroprusside plays an ameliorating role under lead-toxicity in canola. For seven days, thirteen-day plants were exposed to two levels of sodium nitroprusside (0 and 100 µM) and three levels of lead (0, 100, and 200 µM). Dry and fresh weight and chlorophyll content were decreased in lead stress, while sodium nitroprusside treatment increased weight and chlorophyll b in the same conditions. Lead stress increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and sodium nitroprusside treatment reduced their activity. The results showed that the use of sodium nitroprusside reduces lead toxicity. Manuscript profile

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    8 - Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extracts from Different Parts of Ferula assafoetida L. in Three Regions of South Khorasan Province
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2022
    Due to the increased resistance of bacteria to chemical drugs and the low side effects of medicinal plants, using these plants has been considered in disease treatment. Ferula asafoetida L., as one of the medicinal and native plants of southern Khorasan province (Iran), More
    Due to the increased resistance of bacteria to chemical drugs and the low side effects of medicinal plants, using these plants has been considered in disease treatment. Ferula asafoetida L., as one of the medicinal and native plants of southern Khorasan province (Iran), is used in traditional medicine to treat many diseases. The present study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial activity of hydroalcoholic extract of different parts of Ferula asafoetida L. in three regions of South Khorasan Province.The required chemicals were purchased from Merck and Sigma companies. The microbes were obtained from the Birjand University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. The antimicrobial activity of hydroalcoholic extracts was evaluated by dilution in agar. For this purpose, the plant was collected from three areas: Sarbisheh, Ghayen, and Nehbandan. After identification, drying, and pulverizing, the extracts were prepared by soaking. Some of the extracts showed an inhibitory effect on gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis), but none inhibited the growth of Gram-negative bacteria. Moreover, hydroalcoholic extracts of different parts of Ferula asafoetida L. of Sarbisheh had no inhibition effect on the growth of Candida albicans. The results revealed that the hydroalcoholic extracts of the plant could be used as a suitable substitute for chemical drugs to treat diseases. Manuscript profile

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    9 - Effects of Altitude on Some Physiological Characteristics of Sagebrush in Khorasan Province, Iran
    Journal of Chemical Health Risks , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2024
    The present research aimed to investigate the effects of altitude on some physiological characteristics of Artemisia aucheri Boiss. Plant samples were taken from 15 areas in the Lakh Kuhik mountains. After determining the maps of work units, samples were taken systemati More
    The present research aimed to investigate the effects of altitude on some physiological characteristics of Artemisia aucheri Boiss. Plant samples were taken from 15 areas in the Lakh Kuhik mountains. After determining the maps of work units, samples were taken systematically in each unit. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in SPSS. The highest and the lowest chlorophyll content were recorded at an altitude below 1200 m and above 1256 m, respectively. Dry and fresh weights were measured with a precision balance. The results indicated a direct relationship between the increase in plant Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ contents and altitude. However, there was no significant relationship between altitude and plant P3-. Extraction was performed using a rotary evaporator (rotovap). Physiological and antioxidant traits and chlorophyll content of the samples were determined using the standard method (i.e., by a spectrophotometer). Results indicated that altitude had significant effects on physiological traits as the highest antioxidant activity was observed in regions with mid-latitude regions (i.e., 1228 m). Overall, it can be concluded that antioxidant content was lower at higher altitudes, and the best quality could be obtained from higher altitude plants (i.e., 1256 m). Similarly, fresh and dry weights were higher at higher altitudes because cytokinin levels in plants increased with reductions in auxin levels. In the next step, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were assayed separately. The results revealed that the chlorophyll content declined at high altitudes due to the presence of shortwave radiation. Manuscript profile

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    10 - بررسی اثر دوز پایین مت آمفتامین بر سیکل سلولی در‌ سلول‌های آستروسیت انسانی تیمار شده با آمیلویید بتا
    Journal of Animal Biology , Issue 2 , Year , Autumn 2022
    آستروسیت‌ها فراوان‌ترین و مهم‌ترین سلول‌های کمک کننده به نورون‌ها هستند، در بقا سلول‌های عصبی و در هموستاز یونی و اسمزی و همچنین در شکل گیری سیناپس و کمک به رشد آکسون‌ها و دندریت‌ها نقش دارند، در بیماری آلزایمر مارکرهای فعال‌کننده سیکل سلولی افزایش می‌یابد. از مارکرهای More
    آستروسیت‌ها فراوان‌ترین و مهم‌ترین سلول‌های کمک کننده به نورون‌ها هستند، در بقا سلول‌های عصبی و در هموستاز یونی و اسمزی و همچنین در شکل گیری سیناپس و کمک به رشد آکسون‌ها و دندریت‌ها نقش دارند، در بیماری آلزایمر مارکرهای فعال‌کننده سیکل سلولی افزایش می‌یابد. از مارکرهای سیکل سلولی Cdk1 و CE2 می‌باشد. با توجه به اینکه مت آمفتامین در دوزهای غیرسمی باعث کاهش ظرفیت تقسیم خودبه‌خودی و هدایت سلول به سمت تمایز می‌شود در این مطالعه، سیکل سلولی و مارکرهای آن در سلول‌های آستروسیت انسانی تیمار شده با آمیلویید بتا و با دوز پایین مت آمفتامین درمان شدند مورد مطالعه قرار داده و میزان بیان ژن‌های cdk1 وCE2 و سیکل سلولی میزان توقف در G1، G2 و S در گروه‌های مختلف مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. 5 گروه مختلف جهت بررسی مورد استفاده قرار گرفت 1-سلول‌های مجاور با آمیلوئید بتا 2- سلول‌های مجاور با مت آمفتامین، 3- سلول‌های مجاور با آمیلوئید و سپس مت آمفتامین، 4- سلول‌های مجاور با مت آمفتامین سپس با آمیلوئید بتا 5 – گروه کنترل، هر گروه 3 بار تکرار شد. میزان بیان cdk1 در گروه 3 یا گروه درمان کاهش داشته ولی در گروه 4 یا پیشگیری افزایش داشته و میزان بیان CE2 در هر 2 گروه کاهش داشته و همچنین میزان توقف سلول در G1، G2 و S بررسی شد که میزان توقف در G1 در گروه 3 یا گروه درمان کاهش داشته ولی در گروه 4 یا پیشگیری افزایش داشته است. نتیجه با توجه به این که از اولین علایم آلزایمر تغییرات در سیکل سلولی می‌باشد. دوز پایین مت آمفتامین می‌تواند بر مارکرهای فعال‌کننده سیکل سلول اثر کاهشی داشته و همچنین تقسیم سلول و رفتن به سمت مرگ سلولی را کاهش دهد. Manuscript profile