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    1 - Preclosure operator and its applications in general topology
    Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2018
    In this paper, we show that a pointwise symmetric pre-isotonic preclosurefunction is uniquely determined the pairs of sets it separates. We then showthat when the preclosure function of the domain is pre-isotonic and the pre-closure function of the codomain is pre-isoto More
    In this paper, we show that a pointwise symmetric pre-isotonic preclosurefunction is uniquely determined the pairs of sets it separates. We then showthat when the preclosure function of the domain is pre-isotonic and the pre-closure function of the codomain is pre-isotonic and pointwise-pre-symmetric,functions which separate only those pairs of sets which are already separatedare precontinuous. Manuscript profile