List of Articles A. Assari

  • Article

    1 - Product of normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs
    Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra , Issue 2 , Year , Spring 2014
    For two normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs on groups H and K which have nocommon direct factor and $\gcd(|H/H^\prime|,|Z(K)|)=1=\gcd(|K/K^\prime|,|Z(H)|)$, we consider fourstandard products of them and it is proved that only tensor product of factors can be normaledge More
    For two normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs on groups H and K which have nocommon direct factor and $\gcd(|H/H^\prime|,|Z(K)|)=1=\gcd(|K/K^\prime|,|Z(H)|)$, we consider fourstandard products of them and it is proved that only tensor product of factors can be normaledge-transitive. Manuscript profile