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    List of Articles پروانه روزبهانی

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    1 - Development of Geotourism in the southeast caspian seaboard with special view on mud volcanoes
    Journal of Tourism Hospitality Research , Issue 1 , Year , Winter 2022
    The development of geo-tourism in the southeast of the Caspian seaboard with a special view on the therapeutic potential of mud volcanoes by geochemical and mineralogical methods for the first time was studied (Case study: Naftlicheh mud volcano). The results of mineral More
    The development of geo-tourism in the southeast of the Caspian seaboard with a special view on the therapeutic potential of mud volcanoes by geochemical and mineralogical methods for the first time was studied (Case study: Naftlicheh mud volcano). The results of mineralogical and geochemical studies carried out by XRF&XRD methods show that Naftlicheh mud volcano has no significant toxic substances and its main minerals are quartz, calcite, dolomite, halite, clay minerals such as smectite and illite. There is a high amount of elements such as boron, copper, iodine, bromine, vanadium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, organic acids, aromatic hydrocarbons, and bicarbonate. So Naftlicheh mud volcano has a therapeutic aspect and can be one of the essential destinations for curative geo-tourism. In addition to therapeutic effects, mud volcano contains essential scientific information about evaluating gas and oil reservoirs, salt domes and the tectonic situation of the region (faults and subduction) therefore as an educational geo-site can attract a large number of domestic and foreign tourists and geo-tourists. Also, in line with geo-tourism development of the Naftlicheh volcanic mud area, some guidelines are suggested, such as: Presenting media publicity nationally and internationally about the therapeutic potential of Naftlicheh mud volcano. Manuscript profile

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    2 - The Potential of Agh-Ghala geological site and its Role in sustainable tourism development
    Journal of Tourism Hospitality Research , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2022
    The Potential of the Agh-Ghala geological site in the Gorgan area with a special view on its mud volcanoes and its role in sustainable tourism development was studied. The mud volcanoes of this geo-site include inches borun and Gharniarigh Tappeh, which are a geological More
    The Potential of the Agh-Ghala geological site in the Gorgan area with a special view on its mud volcanoes and its role in sustainable tourism development was studied. The mud volcanoes of this geo-site include inches borun and Gharniarigh Tappeh, which are a geological heritage with outstanding scientific, cultural, touristic, industrial, and educational values that, in this research, its therapeutic effects were proved. The mineralogical and geochemical studies carried out by XRF&XRD methods show that both mud volcanoes have no significant toxic substances; their main minerals are quartz, calcite, dolomite, halite, and clay minerals such as smectite and illite. There is a high amount of elements boron, copper, iodine, bromine, vanadium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, organic acids, aromatic hydrocarbons, and bicarbonate. So mud volcanoes have a therapeutic aspect and can be one of the essential destinations for curative geo-tourism. Geological site of Agh-ghala with having wonderful geomorphology; if tourism infrastructures are provided in that area, such as suitable access roads, accommodation, welfare, security, signposts, proper supervision and management over the collection, etc. it can say that this potential Geo-site becomes a real Geo-site with aesthetic resources. The geo-site achieves its goals through conservation, education, and tourism. The goals consist of enhancing livelihoods, increasing local economic growth, and providing for environmental protection. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Evaluation of the application of geology in the tourism industry
    Journal of Tourism Hospitality Research , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2022
    Geological tourism is a basic supporting element and an essential format in the development of the tourism industry; It is also the development of domestic tourism of the more systematic and mature and has been widely accepted by tourists and a favorite product type; To More
    Geological tourism is a basic supporting element and an essential format in the development of the tourism industry; It is also the development of domestic tourism of the more systematic and mature and has been widely accepted by tourists and a favorite product type; To all kinds of geological parks or geological scenic spots as the representative of the geological tourism has made rapid development, Also face the bottleneck of their development; To explore a variety of Geological tourism innovative development model, for the future of geological tourism has a positive exploration of value and practical significance. Also, if we can understand Geo-tourism as a touristic, not academic, activity and make a real effort to make Geology an attractive issue related to explanation of beauty of the landscape and with disentangling the mysteries of life and earth, far from the complexity of scientific concepts and geological processes, we shall be ready to make Geology an interesting subject for tourists. If we are conscious that, when talking about Geo-tourism and its touristic components, besides Geology, we are speaking about accommodation and eating facilities, the quality of accesses and services, and the excellence and attraction of merchandising products, we shall be able to make Geo-tourism equally attractive as other classical modalities of tourism. On the contrary, if we identify Geo-tourism with the teaching of Geology or with explaining Geology to groups, we will focus on a separate matter that may be interesting for some visitors. Manuscript profile

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    4 - زیست چینه نگاری، پالئواکولوژی و محیط رسوبی سازند آسماری در ميدان نفتي پازنان
    , Issue 2 , Year , Summer 2023
    چکیده در این تحقیق ویژگیهای زیست چینه ای ، پالئواکولوژی و محیط رسوبی سازند آسماری در میدان نفتی پازنان در چاه شماره 121 مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است . بر اساس این مطالعات ، سن سازند آسماری با ضخامت 334 متر ، الیگوسن پسین(شاتین) تا میوسن پیشین (بوردیگالین) تعیین شد و بر ا More
    چکیده در این تحقیق ویژگیهای زیست چینه ای ، پالئواکولوژی و محیط رسوبی سازند آسماری در میدان نفتی پازنان در چاه شماره 121 مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است . بر اساس این مطالعات ، سن سازند آسماری با ضخامت 334 متر ، الیگوسن پسین(شاتین) تا میوسن پیشین (بوردیگالین) تعیین شد و بر اساس روزن بران کف زی شناخته شده ، سه زون زیستی تجمعی معرفی گرديد. مطالعات رسوب شناسی ، منجر به شناسايي 9 ريزرخساره گرديد  و با توجه به خصوصيات ريزرخساره ها نشان داد سازند آسماری در محیط های رسوبی دریای باز ، لاگون محصور ، لاگون نیمه محصور و محیط سدی نهشته شده است .مطالعات پالئواکولوژی نیز نشان داد سازند آسماري در زمان شاتين با وفور فرامینفرا با پوسته های آهکی هیالین در محيط دریاي باز باشوری نرمال psu35-40 با زون نوری اليگوفوتيک ، افوتيک و تحت رژیم غذایی اليگوتروفی تا مزوتروفی و در زمان آکی تانين تا بوردیگالين با وفور فرامینفرا با پوسته های آهکی پرسلانوز در شرایط هایپر سالین در محيط لاگون نيمه محصور با شوريpsu45-50 و در لاگون محصور با شوري بيش ازpsu50، در زون نوری یوفوتیک تحت رژیم غذایی یوتروفی و هایپر تروفی در پلاتفرم کربناته از نوع رمپ هموکلینال در نواحی گرمسیری تا نیمه گرمسیری نهشته گردیده است. Manuscript profile

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    5 - The Role of Damavand Mountain as Geological Heritage in line of Sustainble Development
    Journal of Tourism Hospitality Research , Issue 2023 , Year , Winter 2023
    This research studied the Damavand mountain as a unique geological phenomenon in Amol County, Mazandaran Province with a special view on its role in sustainable tourism development. The methodological process was based on: the inventory and preliminary selection of ge More
    This research studied the Damavand mountain as a unique geological phenomenon in Amol County, Mazandaran Province with a special view on its role in sustainable tourism development. The methodological process was based on: the inventory and preliminary selection of geosite, a semi-quantitative geosite assessment, and the application of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) matrix to establish geotourism development strategies within a sustainability framework. Based on studies done, Damavand mountain is a real geosite with high geo-touristic potential which include: water fall, hot spring, glacier,volcanic crater which are a geological heritage with outstanding scientific, cultural, touristic ,industrial,and educational values. According to the results of the IELIG method in this study, the geosite of Damavand has ‘very high’ interest values considering their scientific, academic, and tourist interests and has the necessary conditions for geotourism development. The SWOT analysis reveals that travel itineraries that combine cultural heritage elements and geosites could offer a real alternative for the region’s sustainable development through geotourism. Manuscript profile