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    List of Articles سیدحمید وزیری

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    1 - Neocomian Fahliyan formation carbonates in the oil well X2 (Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf): Biostratigraphic data from benthic foraminifera and algae
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , Issue 4 , Year , Summer 2019
    The Fahliyan Formation of the Khami Group is the most important oil and gas reservoir in southwestern Iran. The formation attains a thickness of 435.5 m in the oil well X2 in Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf. It is represented mainly by thin-bedded limestones. This format More
    The Fahliyan Formation of the Khami Group is the most important oil and gas reservoir in southwestern Iran. The formation attains a thickness of 435.5 m in the oil well X2 in Dorood oil field, Persian Gulf. It is represented mainly by thin-bedded limestones. This formation unconformably overlies the evaporate late Jurassic Hith Formation and conformably underlies the Gadvan Formation. Integrated palaeontological and sedimentological studies supported by an analysis of 150 thin-sections led to the identification of 21 benthic foraminiferal genera dominated by agglutinated forms with an additional 8 algal genera. Two foraminiferal biozones of Berriasian through Hauterivian age include the Pseudochrysalidina (Dokhania) arabica acme zone and Pseudocyclammina lituus- Coscinoconus assemblage zone, and an algal zone includes the Salpingoporella annulata range zone have been recognized. The correlation of the lower Cretaceous petroleum source rock in the Persian Gulf with regions from Tethyan Realm is limited by the lack of the analog formation that can be used for comparison. In this way, the foraminiferal zones are correlated with coeval zones in south and southwest of Iran. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Paleoecology of Early to Middle Miocene Deposits (Guri Member) and Sedimentary Environment, SE Zagros Zone, Roydar, Iran
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , Issue 2 , Year , Winter 2015
    This research focusses on the facies distribution, paleoenvironment and paleoecology of the foraminifera of the Guri Member in the northern Bandar Abbas Hinterland located in the Roydar area of southern Iran. The Guri Member is 570 meters thick and composed of limestone More
    This research focusses on the facies distribution, paleoenvironment and paleoecology of the foraminifera of the Guri Member in the northern Bandar Abbas Hinterland located in the Roydar area of southern Iran. The Guri Member is 570 meters thick and composed of limestone, argillaceous limestone and marl. The distribution of the foraminifera in the study area indicates the existence of three biozones ranging from early to middle Miocene in age. Based on petrographical studies, depositional textures and fauna, eight microfacies were identified. The paleoecology, lithology and environmental interpretations were characterized by an open marine environment with an upward, gradually shallowing trend. Additionally, three distinct depositional settings were identified: tidal flat, inner ramp and middle ramp. Microfacies (MF) 1, representing a distal middle ramp setting, was characterized by the occurrence of hyaline, benthic and planktonic foraminifera. MF2 and MF3 were characterized by the occurrence of Miogypsina, Elphidium and red algae. They represent a deeper low energy in the wave base of a middle ramp setting. MF4 was characterized by an abundance of rotaliids and red algae representing a proximal middle ramp environment. MF5 and MF6 were identified by the occurrence of large and small porcelaneous benthic foraminifera representing a shallow-water inner ramp setting. MF7 and MF8 were characterized by the occurrence of gastropods and bivalves in a shallow-water setting of tidal flats influenced by both wave and tidal processes. Palaeolatitudinal reconstructions based on skeletal grains suggest that the Guri Member existed in tropical waters within a carbonate ramp. Manuscript profile

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    3 - Biostratigraphic Correlation of Elikah Formation in Zal Section (Northwestern Iran) with Ruteh and Type Sections in Alborz Mountains Based on Conodonts
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences , Issue 2 , Year , Winter 2015
    Conodonts are the most important fossil remains from the largest Phanerozoic extinction as well as the mass extinction of the late Paleozoic and could be used for exact dating during this period. Triassic deposits located in the Elikah Formation contain exposures in mos More
    Conodonts are the most important fossil remains from the largest Phanerozoic extinction as well as the mass extinction of the late Paleozoic and could be used for exact dating during this period. Triassic deposits located in the Elikah Formation contain exposures in most of the Alborz sections as well as the Zal section in northwestern Iran. In this study, the Elikah Formation was investigated from a biostratigraphy point of view in the type section and Ruteh section of the Alborz Mountains and Zal section in the Jolfa region based on the existing conodonts. Biostratigraphy study of more than 300 samples taken from these three sections, resulted in the identification and introduction of the following conodont biozones: Taxone Range Zone Hindeodus parvus and Pachycladina symmetrica – Pachycladina Oblique Assemblage Zone in the type section, Hindeodus parvus Taxon Range Zone, Hadrodontina –Pachycladina Assemblage Zone and Parachirognathus – Furnishius Assemblage Zone in the Ruteh section and finally Hindeodus parvus Taxon Range Zone, Isracicella staeschei Taxon Range Zone and Arachirognathus – Furnishius Assemblage Zone in the Zal section. These biozones indicate that the Elikah Formation, in the three previously defined sections, is Early Triassic (Griesbachian). Additionally, comparison of the biozones in these sections illustrates a biostratigraphic correlation of Early Triassic deposits in the Zal, Ruteh and type sections. Manuscript profile

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    4 - افیولیت ملانژهای شرق کرمانشاه (جنوب‌غرب بیستون)، غرب ایران
    , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 1394
    افیولیت ملانژها (ژوراسیک میانی تا اوایل کرتاسه زیرین) دارای رخنمون خوبی در جنوب‌غرب بیستون، شرق کرمانشاه هستند. در مطالعه حاضر چهار برش چینه‌شناسی از افیولیت ملانژهای فوق به ضخامت 5/55 متر جهت معرفی واحدهای رسوبی آن مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. این مجموعه سنگی از دیاباز اسپیل More
    افیولیت ملانژها (ژوراسیک میانی تا اوایل کرتاسه زیرین) دارای رخنمون خوبی در جنوب‌غرب بیستون، شرق کرمانشاه هستند. در مطالعه حاضر چهار برش چینه‌شناسی از افیولیت ملانژهای فوق به ضخامت 5/55 متر جهت معرفی واحدهای رسوبی آن مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. این مجموعه سنگی از دیاباز اسپیلیتی، تراکی بازالت اسپیلیتی شده، بازالت آندزیتی، آندزیت پورفیری، بازالت اسپیلیتی، سرپانتینیت، هاربوژیت سرپانتینیتی شده، سنگ آهک خاکستری حاوی نودل‌های چرت، لایه‌های چرت قرمز، سبز و خاکستری و سنگ آهک خاکستری تشکیل شده است. Manuscript profile