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    List of Articles عادل عبداللهی

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    1 - َSociological Study of Effective Factors on Forming Iranian Cohesive Identity(A Case study of Bukan’s Youth)
    Sociological Studies of Youth , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2010
    Present society of Iran, with its young population structure specially after forming and developing modernism and its conflict with tradition as well as the voluminous, various, rapid dominance of mass media has been affected by value conflict whether in micro level of More
    Present society of Iran, with its young population structure specially after forming and developing modernism and its conflict with tradition as well as the voluminous, various, rapid dominance of mass media has been affected by value conflict whether in micro level of personality or macro level of internalization and turned to a society full of conformance, adaptation, alienation, identity confusion and identity crisis are its outcomes that result in society with extravagant toward unclear future. Identity is subjected to daily changing process and redefinition by expanding globalization increasingly and supporting mass media power, is one of the most important problems in contemporary world. In some societies identity is being developed and coherent and in some societies as a problem it creates crisis, tensions and significant gaps. So the subject of this research is in the same direction and it studies and reviews effective social factors on forming coherent Iranian identity and its case study of Bukan’s youth (western Iran) in 2010. For studing this subject, in addition to pointing to dimensions and components of Iranian identity it has studied effective internal and external factors of forming identity crisis among Iranian youth and lack of forming a national identity which is convergent with national advent ages as well as different cultures and ethnicity in Iran. The method of this research is survey and questionnaire has been used for data collection. Findings indicate that for reaching a national coherent identity we should typically consider the youth employment, writing and literal application of mother tongue and blooming of different esthetic identity, and great attention being paid to needs and rights of Iranian ethnic. In addition, since Iranian culture is composed of Islamic elements, it is necessary to consider relations and Iranian identity simultaneously and in direction of forming and internalizing a suitable identity should be managed by Iranian society. This important requires a creative and critical thinking, and it is necessary for studding exist factors and identity negative and positive forming variables of Iranian identity to get away from extravagant boasting and crisis must be managed in a way that negative variables could be substituted by positive culture variables gradually. Also extraneous factors will practically be dealt with variation factors optionally in order to be internalized parallel with Iranian society’s needs. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Survival Time of Young Women Childbearing in Tehran
    Sociological Studies of Youth , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2020
    Since determination of factors influencieng childbearing delay can provide convenient approaches to prevent fertility decline, nowadays studying this issue is an important issue for demographers and it is also emphasized by planners and politicians. The aim of this stud More
    Since determination of factors influencieng childbearing delay can provide convenient approaches to prevent fertility decline, nowadays studying this issue is an important issue for demographers and it is also emphasized by planners and politicians. The aim of this study is to evaluate factors influencing first birth interval among 458, young Iranian married women in Tehran province. In this cross sectional study, stratified random sampling was used to collect data of a structured questioner in 2017. Women’s first birth interval was compared in confronting some demographic, socioeconomic and attitudinal factors by Kaplan-Meier estimates and Log-Rank test as non-parametric survival analysis tools. The mean of women’s first birth interval was 3.33±2.67 years with a median of 3.00 years. Kaplan-Meier estimates were significantly different between levels of women’s and their husband’s educational level, activity, and post materialism factor (p-value<0.05). Women with university education and who had husbands with university educational level had the largest first birth interval among all other educational levels. Employed women had longer first birth interval than unemployed ones. Women lived with employed husband had shorter first birth interval. High post materialism women had the largest first birth interval. Manuscript profile